On 6/3/20, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Once you stop assuming that the manual writers are incompetent
> […] it should be obvious that

Hmm, since we’re on -user, let’s not antagonize people coming here
asking for advice, perhaps? :-)

The OP may have made a mistake somewhere in his code (there’s actually
a good chance for that to be the explanation, as you and I both know),
but _from his point of view_ if something that purportedly works in
the doc suddenly doesn’t when he tries it, then he has every
legitimate reason of wondering why, hasn’t he?

If anything, him immediately coming here to inquire about it goes to
show how much trustworthiness and reliability he’s used to find in our

(And yes, I fully realize the irony of me finding myself on the “nice”
side of a good cop/bad cop situation for once.)

-- V.

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