There are two different issues here: Firstly, the oll package defaults
to "serif"/"sans-serif"/"monospace" which are the lilypond defaults
onlky for the svg backend. Stealing from scm/fonts.scm (in the lilypond
distribution) suggest the following changes that indeed seem to use the
proper fonts:

diff --git a/package.ily b/package.ily
index ca98c53..555f0b0 100644
--- a/package.ily
+++ b/package.ily
@@ -130,17 +130,20 @@ useNotationFont =
          ;; retrieve 'roman' name from options with "serif" default.
           (or (assoc-ref options 'roman)
-              "serif"))
+              (if (eq? (ly:get-option 'backend) 'svg)
+                                             "serif" "LilyPond Serif")))
          (use-roman (string-downcase roman))
          ;; retrieve 'sans' name from options with "sans-serif" default.
           (or (assoc-ref options 'sans)
-              "sans-serif"))
+              (if (eq? (ly:get-option 'backend) 'svg)
+                                            "sans-serif" "LilyPond Sans
          (use-sans (string-downcase sans))
          ;; retrieve 'typewriter' name from options with "monospace"
           (or (assoc-ref options 'typewriter)
-              "monospace"))
+              (if (eq? (ly:get-option 'backend) 'svg)
+                                                  "monospace" "LilyPond
          (use-typewriter (string-downcase typewriter))
          ;; retrieve 'style' option with "default" default ...

I'll also prepare a pull request so this won't be an issue in the future.

Secondly, the typesetting of the lyrics apparently is influenced by the
spacing of the chosen notation font (and why wouldn't it...) However,
that gap around the lyric tie seems to be specific to profondo. Maybe
you can find some formatting tweaks to fix this or use another notation
font. (If I remember correctly, profondo is just an adaptation of – a
nowadays pretty outdated version of – bravura anyway, so that might be
worth a look if you're after that specific look.)


On 07/06/2020 00:24, Tiago Pereira wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm using openLilyLib to change the notation font of my lilypond scores. The 
> problem is: when I change the notation font, the text font is automatically 
> changed to a font that I don't know what it is.
> Default:
> \version "2.20.0"
> \header {
>     title = "Title"
>     composer = "Composer"
> }
> << \relative c' { c2 c c c c1 ^\markup{ \roman roman } ^\markup{ \sans sans } 
> ^\markup{ \typewriter typewriter } }
> \addlyrics { This is~a ly -- ric } >>
> With new notation font:
> \version "2.20.0"
> \include "oll-core/package.ily"
> \loadPackage notation-fonts
> \useNotationFont "profondo"
> \header {
>     title = "Title"
>     composer = "Composer"
> }
> << \relative c' { c2 c c c c1 ^\markup{ \roman roman } ^\markup{ \sans sans } 
> ^\markup{ \typewriter typewriter } }
> \addlyrics { This is~a ly -- ric } >>
> Trying to solve this, I forced lilypond to keep the default text fonts, but I 
> notice that the lyric tie is not positioned properly.
> \version "2.20.0"
> \include "oll-core/package.ily"
> \loadPackage notation-fonts
> \useNotationFont \with {
>   roman = "TeXGyre Schola"
>   sans = "TeXGyre Heros"
>   typewriter = "TeXGyre Cursor"
> } "profondo"
> \header {
>     title = "Title"
>     composer = "Composer"
> }
> << \relative c' { c2 c c c c1 ^\markup{ \roman roman } ^\markup{ \sans sans } 
> ^\markup{ \typewriter typewriter } }
> \addlyrics { This is~a ly -- ric } >>
> So, why the text font is automatically changed? And why the lyric tie is not 
> well positioned? Is there a solution?
> Thanks.

No proper program contains an indication which as an operator-applied
occurrence identifies an operator-defining occurrence which as an
indication-applied occurrence identifies an indication-defining
occurrence different from the one identified by the given indication
as an indication-applied occurrence.

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