Hi Urs, hi Moritz,

thanks for the improvements to my code! (I tend to stop thinking about it as soon as it works for my case, which always leaves lots of room for improvement.)

Seems to be the opposite of my approach. I'm always starting to think in terms of reusability and "packages" right away - leading to working code much later than would be good ;-)
When your default working mode is "I need this worksheet tomorrow by 9 o'clock", the approach of using the first sort-of viable solution becomes much more tempting ;-).

(2) There might also be cases where you have more that one row of arabic
numbers to indicate other options. My first intention here would be to have a
single layer for every key, that is used in the analysis. If there’s an option
to hide the layer where it is not used.
Each layer is a Lyrics or FiguredBass context, [...]

That's exactly what occurred to me over lunch: Everything we talked about concerning spacing just expresses the fact that scale degrees and bass figures should behave as if they were independent contexts (one FiguredBass, one Lyrics).

So let's scrap the idea of inserting scale degrees artificially into bass figures where they do not belong!


\version "2.20.0"

#(define (scale-degree degree)
      (if (eqv? degree 0)
          (markup #:null)
          (markup #:circle #:small #:number (number->string degree))))

#(define (bass-degree? obj)
   "A bass degree is either a number between 1 and 7 or 0 (eqv. to
   (and (integer? obj) (> 8 obj) (< -1 obj)))

#(define (event-chord? obj)
   (and (ly:music? obj) (music-is-of-type? obj 'event-chord)))

#(define (figure-signature? obj)
   "A figure signature is either an EventChord music or a duration."
    (event-chord? obj)
    (ly:duration? obj)))

duration-from-event-chord =
#(define-scheme-function (chord) (event-chord?)
   (let ((els (ly:music-property chord 'elements)))
     (ly:music-property (first els) 'duration)))

scaledeg =
#(define-music-function (num signature) ((bass-degree? 0) figure-signature?)
   (let ((dur (if (ly:duration? signature)
                   (duration-from-event-chord signature))))
       #(if (ly:music? signature)
            #{ s $signature #})
       \context Lyrics = "scaleDegrees" \lyricmode
         \markup { #(scale-degree num) } $dur

  \new Staff {
    \time 3/4
    \clef bass
    c4 d e f2 g4 as2^"or g sharp?" a4 b4 c'4 % Morgenlich leuchtend ...
  \figures \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing.padding = 1 } {
    \scaledeg 1 4
    \scaledeg 2 <4 3>4
    \scaledeg 3 <6>4
    \scaledeg 4 <7>4
    \scaledeg 0 <6>
    \scaledeg 5 4
    \scaledeg 6 <6>2
    \scaledeg 6 <6>4
    \scaledeg 7 <6 5>4
    \scaledeg 1 4
  \new Lyrics = "scaleDegrees" { \skip 1*8 }

Of course this is just proof-of-concept: The Lyrics context should be created (and kept alive) automatically ... or, even better: it should be user-settable with an interface like:

\figures {

  \inject-scaledegrees-into-context "scaleDegrees"



which would enable all sorts of vertical configuration.


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