Of course I can do

circlefunc = \markup\circle\etc
\markup \test \circlefunc "whatever"
You can?  Have you tried?  \circlefunc here is quite equivalent to
\circle .

Hm, I think I do not understand. With

test =
#(define-scheme-function (enclosure content)
   (markup-function? markup?)
   (list enclosure #{ \markup \box #content #}))

I can do and compile

\test \markup \circle \etc "whatever"

as well as

circlefunc = \markup\circle\etc
\markup \test \circlefunc "whatever"


\markup \test \circle "whatever"

fails with

/tmp/frescobaldi-7l5ntq0c/tmp1iduvtxw/document.ly:8:15: Fehler: syntax error, unexpected MARKUP_FUNCTION, expecting \header

\markup \test

\circle "whatever"

/tmp/frescobaldi-7l5ntq0c/tmp1iduvtxw/document.ly:8:33: Fehler: Haupt-Eingabe nicht beendet

\markup \test \circle "whatever"

schwerer Fehler: gescheiterte Dateien: "/tmp/frescobaldi-7l5ntq0c/tmp1iduvtxw/document.ly"

So, I can't believe that \circlefunc and \circle should be actually equivalent.


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