It seems that you have read the instructions for an old version of LilyPond.
Please follow the instructions at
and then read the Tutorial included in the documentation for version 2.4.


Greg Sabo wrote:

Whoops. I forgot the attachment.  Sorry.  Here it is...

On Apr 4, 2005 3:33 PM, *Mats Bengtsson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I guess you forgot the attachment (or maybe it was very large so
    it was
    filtered away from the email by the mailing list server).
    Please try again to send it to the mailing list.


    Greg Sabo wrote:

    > I've attached a log file that sums up the problems I've been having.
    > I'm new to lilypond but I like what I see, but it seems I've hit
    a snag.
    > I'm sure I'm using all the right syntax: I copied this one from the
    > website.
    > I hope you guys can help me with this.
    > Or I could just give up and get Linux :)
    >lilypond-user mailing list
    > <>


\score {
      \notes { c'4 e' g' }


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