On 2020-08-06 6:54 pm, Brian Barker wrote:
At 15:59 06/08/2020 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote:
On 2020-08-06 3:34 pm, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Look at this example

  \relative c' {
    \clef "alto" d'2 \tweak positions #'(8 . 4) ~
    \clef "treble" d2

The `\tweak positions` doesn't work ­ which is kind-of expected. However, for this very situation it would be nice if I could change the start and end position of the slur manually.

Of course, it would be even better if LilyPond could handle this situation automatically :-)

I have never encountered this scenario before, so I am quite curious.
What is the correct behavior? (I need to pick up a copy of Gould's book, though that presumes she has addressed this.)

She has - on page 9.

I see at least three options:

- The tie should be sloped like a slur.
- The tie should be split into a two halves (possibly dotted/dashed), each half attached to the terminal notes but individually still horizontal to keep it distinct from a slur. - The tie should be rendered as a \laissezVibrer and \repeatTie combination.

Gould writes "Avoid changing a clef during a tied note, as the tie
will look cumbersome. If this cannot be avoided, the clef is best
changed at a system break". She gives three examples:

o "recommended" has the tie split across a system break at the same
vertical position, with the clef change delayed until after the second
part of the tied note.

o "acceptable" has the clef change at the system break, with each part
of the tie being horizontal and appropriately positioned to its note -
in different positions vertically, that is.

o "incorrect" has a tie winding its way from one vertical position to
another, in the process wrapping around the new clef sign.

See https://preview.tinyurl.com/tieClefChange (page 9).

Sounds like "acceptable" is close to my third option: use \laissezVibrer and \repeatTie.

-- Aaron Hill

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