
There seems to be something wrong with the lilypond mailserver.  I'm
getting 6 copies (or 3 depending on how you count).  Is anyone else
experiencing this?   It's been going on for months, I just haven't
bothered complaining.


On 8/28/20 22:17, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>> Maybe
>> \void \displayLilyMusic
>> \once
>> \propertyTweak color #red
>> \propertyTweak font-size #3
>> \propertyTweak direction #UP Voice.Slur
>> helps?
> It does, thanks a lot!  I didn't have this function on my radar, and
> it isn't documented in the NR at all.
> Attached a version using \propertyTweak.  Right now, this wins
> w.r.t. readability IMHO.
> BTW, would it be possible to enhance `\propertyTweak` to write
>   \propertyTweak #'white
>                  FretBoard
> as
>   \propertyTweak dot-color #'white
>                  FretBoard.fret-diagram-details       ?
>     Werner

University of Hawaii, Maui College / Mobile 760.840.8660

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