On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 3:33 AM Owen Lamb <owendl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I've just completed Google Summer of Code for this year. My work has been on 
> adding rudimentary support for SMuFL (a new music font standard) and bringing 
> Emmentaler, LilyPond's default font, closer to SMuFL-compliance. You can take 
> a look at a summary of my work here:
> http://lilypondblog.org/2020/08/google-summer-of-code-2020-smufl/
> (I fixed a few regressions in my code, but it looks like there's still one or 
> two lurking around. I'm just going to call it here, though--there's not much 
> I can do about them now.)
> It's been wonderful working with everyone in the development community, and 
> I'd like to stick around if I can. I plan on continuing to improve SMuFL in 
> LilyPond, but in case I don't follow through, I've included in the summary a 
> list of what to do next.
> Happy LilyPonding,
> Owen Lamb
> Arizona State University

Thank you so much for your efforts and dedication!  This is important work.


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