Dear Aaron,

thanks again for that script! I could successfully adapt part of your
script to most of what I wanted. I called the function \tempoTextSpan for
use in constructions like rit. _ _ _ _ $new tempo with \startTextSpan
\stopTextSpan, and it accepts a left text (e.g. "rit."), a tempo definition
(metronome mark), and left and right \halign values. Since this is my
second day of ever trying to make a Scheme function at all, there is still
a lot I don't know how to do. The thing I couldn't adapt from your script
is the Text part, when the user writes a new tempo with a construction like
\tempo "Allegro". I suppose I have to somehow put my \once \override
TextSpanner #'(bound-details right text) in some sort of conditional so
that when the user puts a text, it displays a text, when it's a metronome,
a metronome :-), but I couldn't figure out how to adapt what you already
had. I also wasn't successful in adding \once \omit Score.MetronomeMark
\tempo #tempo-unit = #metronome-count, so that the MIDI can pick up the new
tempo mark, if a metronome is given (probably because the new tempo is
converted to a markup and can't be used as a "real" tempo definition
anymore?). Anyways, with those two features still missing, I'm quite happy
with using the syntax shown in the example after the script:

\version "2.20.0"

#(define (tempo? arg)
   (and (ly:music? arg)
        (not (null? (extract-typed-music arg 'tempo-change-event)))))

tempoTextSpan =
   (leftmarkup tempo lefthalign righthalign)
   (markup? tempo? number? number?)
   (set! tempo (first (extract-typed-music tempo 'tempo-change-event)))
   (let ((tempo-unit (ly:prob-property tempo 'tempo-unit #f))
         (metronome-count (ly:prob-property tempo 'metronome-count #f))
     (set! tempo-unit
       (if (ly:duration? tempo-unit)
           #{ \markup {
             \note #(ly:duration->string tempo-unit) #UP
               } #} ))
     (set! metronome-count
       (cond ((number-pair? metronome-count)
              #{ \markup {
                 #(format #f "~d" (car metronome-count)) -
                 #(format #f "~d" (cdr metronome-count)) } #})
             ((number? metronome-count)
              #{ \markup {
                 #(format #f "~d" metronome-count) } #})
\once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left-broken.text = ##f
\once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right-broken.text = ##f
\once \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) =  \markup \halign
#lefthalign { \abs-fontsize #11 #leftmarkup }
\once \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right text) = \markup \halign
#righthalign { \abs-fontsize #10 \general-align #Y #DOWN #tempo-unit
\abs-fontsize #11 \upright {"=" #metronome-count } }

\tempoTextSpan "accel." \tempo 4 = 50 #0 #2

Thank you Aaron! Perhaps you or someone else can point me in the right
direction for adding the two missing features to the script.

Best regards,

Am Do., 17. Sept. 2020 um 13:11 Uhr schrieb Aaron Hill <>:

> On 2020-09-17 4:01 am, Martín Rincón Botero wrote:
> > Dear Aaron,
> >
> > thank you very much for your help! After using ly:duration->string for
> > the
> > tempo-unit, I'm still missing a way to have the new string tempo-unit
> > string in "", so that I can display it as a \note in a \markup. How can
> > I
> > achieve that? Sorry for taking so much of your time!
> Should just be as simple as: \markup \note #(ly:duration->string dur)
> #UP
> Modifying my code once again...
> %%%%
> \version "2.20.0"
> #(define (tempo? arg)
>    (and (ly:music? arg)
>         (not (null? (extract-typed-music arg 'tempo-change-event)))))
> describeTempo =
> #(define-scheme-function
>    (tempo)
>    (tempo?)
>    (set! tempo (first (extract-typed-music tempo 'tempo-change-event)))
>    (let ((tempo-unit (ly:prob-property tempo 'tempo-unit #f))
>          (metronome-count (ly:prob-property tempo 'metronome-count #f))
>          (text (ly:prob-property tempo 'text #f)))
>      (format #t "\nTempo:~{\t~s=~s~^\n~}"
>        (list 'tempo-unit tempo-unit
>              'metronome-count metronome-count
>              'text text))
>      (set! tempo-unit
>        (if (ly:duration? tempo-unit)
>            #{ \markup \box \concat {
>              \note #(ly:duration->string tempo-unit) #UP
>              \hspace #1 ( #(ly:duration->string tempo-unit) ) } #}
>            #{ \markup unspecified #}))
>      (set! metronome-count
>        (cond ((number-pair? metronome-count)
>               #{ \markup { between
>                 \box #(format #f "~d" (car metronome-count)) and
>                 \box #(format #f "~d" (cdr metronome-count)) } #})
>              ((number? metronome-count)
>               #{ \markup { exactly
>                 \box #(format #f "~d" metronome-count) } #})
>              (else #{ \markup unspecified #})))
>      (set! text
>        (if (markup? text)
>            #{ \markup \box #text #}
>            #{ \markup unspecified #}))
>      #{
>        \markup \pad-around #1 \column {
>          \line { \italic tempo-unit is #tempo-unit }
>          \line { \italic metronome-count is #metronome-count }
>          \line { \italic text is #text }
>        }
>      #}))
> \describeTempo \tempo 4 = 50
> \describeTempo \tempo "Text" 8. = 60-70
> \describeTempo \tempo \markup \bold "Text"
> %%%%
> -- Aaron Hill


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