Hi.  I'm hoping to get some input from this wonderful group.

It seems that repeat volta and \barNumberCheck don't work well
together when you use the \alternative function.  If you put a
\barNumberCheck inside of a repeat volta, the \braNumberCheck fails
all the time.  I think it's because when you go through the music a
second time, the numbering is off.

This may not be a bug, but it's pretty inconvenient. Here's my MWE:

%%% Start
\version "2.20.0"

rightHand = \relative c' {
   \repeat volta 2 {
     \partial 4 f4
     \barNumberCheck 2
     c4 d e

   \repeat volta 2 {
     f4 |
     \barNumberCheck 3
     c4 d e f |

\include "articulate.ly"

\score {
   \articulate {
     \new Staff \rightHand


I believe the problem is not related to \repeat volta. The output with articulate.ly is definitely wrong (it inserts rests, not sure why; I can't comment here since I never used this script). You still get warnings whenremoving its use, and that of \repeat:

\version "2.21.7"
\new Voice \relative c' {
    \partial 4 f4
    \barNumberCheck 2
    c4 d e
    f4 |
    \barNumberCheck 3
    c4 d e f |

This comes from a misexpectation: from LilyPond's point of view, a partial does not count
as a measure. If you try:

\layout {
  \context {
    \override BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible

you will see that measure 1 is the first whole measure.

That's the behavior I'd expect as a musician. You can still override it if you so like,
by starting the music with

    \set Score.currentBarNumber = 2

Jean Abou-Samra

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