On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 11:54:57 -0700 (PDT)
D Josiah Boothby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I searched the lilypond-user and lilypond-devel archives and wasn't
> able 
>  to find anything regarding sprechstimme, though I seem to recall that
>  there was a thread a couple months ago asking about it.
>  Is it supported in Lilypond? If not, has anyone found a way to insert
>  the little "x" onto the halfway point of a stem?

Try this, it works here.

%% based on the code in regression/stencil-hacking.ly
#(define (cross-callback callback)
   (define (cross-stencil grob)
     (let* ((fn (ly:get-default-font grob))
            (cross (ly:font-get-glyph fn "noteheads.s2cross"))
            (s (callback grob))
            (sx (ly:stencil-extent s 0))
            (sy (ly:stencil-extent s 1))
            (cx (ly:stencil-extent cross 0))
            (xadj (/ (- (cdr cx) (car cx)) 2))
            (midy (+ (car sy) (/ (- (cdr sy) (car sy)) 2))))
        (set! s (ly:stencil-add s 
            (ly:stencil-translate cross (cons (- xadj) midy))))
       (ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr s) sx sy)))

stemCross = \once \override Stem  #'print-function
    = #(cross-callback Stem::print)
stemCrossStart = \override Stem  #'print-function
    = #(cross-callback Stem::print)
stemCrossStop = \revert Stem #'print-function

%%%% EXAMPLE %%%%

\layout { raggedright = ##t }
\relative c' {
    c4 \stemCrossStart e g bes \stemCrossStop
    a8 \stemCross gis8 a2.

/Jonatan    -=( http://kymatica.com )=-

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