Le 23/10/2020 à 00:11, Dan McMahill a écrit :

I'm trying to sort out what will be the best flow for me to type up what may grow into a fairly large LaTeX based document that has lots of musical snippets from lilypond.  Apologies for the long email that follows.

The normal way I might handle a large document in LaTeX is to have a top level file, top.tex, that has some header stuff (possibly \input{} from a standard header) and then lots of lines like:

and each chapter (or major section) is in its own file to try to keep things manageable and have flexibility for reorganization.

I've also done things like have a few varieties of the top level file that have slightly different include lists or just set some conditionals as a way of producing variations of a document. Examples may be company internal vs external or customer A versus customer B or other things of this nature.

In addition, I have often had reason to include many drawings created by an external tool like tgif.  I manage these large documents using make and some pre-defined make rules that I include (latex-mk.sf.net).  This lets me do things like identify a list of directories that may have figures that need exporting to postscript.  So I might have a directory structure like:
The make rules capture all the dependencies so if I edit the source file for a figure, chapter2_figures/fig3.obj for example, the right commands to re-export to encapsulated postscript are run and LaTeX is re-run along with whatever invocations of bibtex or others may be needed.  I get to focus more on writing and drawing and the build system handles all the mechanics of building and remembering stuff like "oh, I edited this drawing, don't forget to export it again" and also I'm not wasting time while my computer processes files that didn't change since last time.

As I think about documents that may make heavy use of lilypond, I'm trying to now think about how to structure things and what flow will feel good.  One approach is I do exactly the same as before and introduce suffix rules to convert .ly to .eps by way of running something like:

lilypond  \
    -dbackend=eps \
    -dno-gs-load-fonts \
    -dinclude-eps-fonts \
    --eps \
    -I my_standard_header_location \

and proceed with importing into LaTeX with things like:

\caption{Major Scale}

although I might turn that into a macro to make it shorter to type.

This seems doomed for headaches/failures if I ever hit something where the music exceeds one page and it will start to look bad before then. Plus, I do like the ability to embed short snippets directly inline. I've looked some at lilypond-book and am having troubles seeing how it would cleanly fit into a large project flow.  Picture a dozen chapters and hundreds of snippets.  It appears that lilypond-book does a nice job of dealing with snippets that are many musical lines long or even pages long and so that seems pretty important. Not to mention, it handles embedded lilypond.

When I try something like using a top level top.lytex with both
\begin{lilypond} .. \end{lilypond} as well as \lilypondfile{} I can run:

lilypond-book -f latex -o top_build top.lytex

(using -o to avoid really polluting my top level directory). However, it looks like I have to then run latex within the top_build directory or the includes in the generated files don't work.   But I also found that if top.lytex has stuff like:
then lilypond-book doesn't follow those includes so something like \lilypondfile{} in chapter1.tex doesn't work.  So then I looked at doing something like making the top level be pure latex with no lilypond and running lilypond-book on individual chapters



then per-chapter files with embedded lilypond stuff:

lilypond-book -f latex -o ch1 ch1.lytex
lilypond-book -f latex -o ch2 ch2.lytex
lilypond-book -f latex -o ch3 ch3.lytex
latex top.tex

but again I end up with a search path problem:
$ latex top.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020/Cygwin) (preloaded format=latex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2020-02-02> patch level 5
L3 programming layer <2020-03-06>
Document Class: article 2019/12/20 v1.4l Standard LaTeX document class
(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3backend/l3backend-dvips.def) (./top.aux
No file ch1/ch1.aux.
) [1] (./ch1/ch1.tex

! LaTeX Error: File `00/lily-8028fbc5-systems.tex' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: tex)

Enter file name:

So it seems like if I had a better way to control search paths that maybe this approach would work.  I actually wonder if the easiest approach is to teach lilypond-book to add the output directory to all of the includes in the generated files so the generated ch1/ch1.tex would     have
instead of
and a similar thing for the generated \includegraphics{} lines.

Before I dig into the python code for lilypond-book and add an option to include that extra directory path in the inputs/includes, does anyone have suggestions for other ways that may be better?  Perhaps I'm misusing lilypond-book and a good solution already exists.

Thanks so much.


lilypond-book is unfortunately just a text-based replacement script that doesn't support following LaTeX \include statements for example. I suggest you try out lyLuaTeX:


It's a native TeX solution making use of LuaTeX's extending capabilities (so you need to process your document using LuaLaTeX instead of pdfLaTeX). Just like lilypond-book, it only recompiles modified scores.

You will likely have a better luck with this. My tests show that your directory layout works with lyLuaTeX. While there may be solutions to achieve this kind of things with lilypond-book (or a fix to it), it'll just be simpler.

Best regards,

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