dax2 wrote:

>    Thank you for offering a special ebuild for ghostscript-afpl.
>Yes, I am very interested.
The ebuild I made is not for AFPL -- there is already one in Portage
(app-text/ghostscript-afpl).  My ebuild is for ESP Ghostscript
8.15_rc2.  One major difference between AFPL and ESP is that AFPL
includes many less printer drivers.  If AFPL includes drivers for your
printer, I'd recommend using that one instead of my ESP build, at least
until the next release candidate (or final release) comes out from ESP.

ESP builds their product based on GPL Ghostscript (which is identical
with AFPL ghostscript as far as I can tell) but they add a bunch of
features, including CUPS integration along with a bunch of printer
drivers.  Because of all the extra work they do, they are generally one
or two versions behind.  Last time I checked, the latest unstable GPL
version was 8.50.

It's not too hard to modify the AFPL/GPL build process to include extra
printer drivers (such drivers are downloadable from linuxprinting.org).


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