I rendered your MWE and Lilypond created the red note... then I checked the
repo and it seems I don't have the newest version, I'm using an old commit
from the refactor-override branch. I will check later with the latest
master and let you know how it goes.

El sáb., 7 nov. 2020 a las 19:47, damianlegassick (<damianlegass...@mac.com>)

> Hi Stefano
> this is extracted from the example-1.ly from the repo
> \version "2.20.0"
> \include "oll-core/package.ily"
> \loadPackage edition-engraver
> \addEdition test
> \editionMod test 1 0/4 along.Voice.A \once \override NoteHead.color = #red
> \editionMod test 1 1/4 along.Voice.A \once \override NoteHead.color =
> #green
> \consistToContexts #edition-engraver Staff.Voice
> \new Staff \with { \editionID along } { c'4 c' c' c' }
> no red note...
> Damian
> On 7 November 2020 at 19:55, Stefano Troncaro <stefanotronc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Damian, can you post an example? If I remember correctly (I may be
> misremembering) there is an issue in scores starting with \partial
> But for example I use the following on a score:
> LVm = \musicPath PNO.left.Voice.main
>> \editionMod ed 1 0 \LVm {
>>   \once \override DynamicText.X-extent = #empty-interval
>>   <>_#(make-dynamic-text "col pedale")
>> }
> And it works properly.
> Hope that helps,
> Stéfano
> El vie., 6 nov. 2020 a las 13:41, damianlegassick (<
> damianlegass...@mac.com>) escribió:
>> Hi
>> I can't persuade edition-engraver to add an \editionMod starting on the
>> downbeat of the first bar. I can't even do it with the example.ly from
>> the repo (is that why there's an R1 at the top?).
>> any clues for a workaround or am I being dumb?
>> Damian

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