This is a bit intricate and involves knowledge both about
TeX and LaTeX font handling in general and how it's done
within LilyPond. Are you really sure that you want to get
into this mess? Also, the font handling in the current
development version, 2.5.xx and the upcoming stable 2.6
will be quite different, so I don't recommend you to spend
too much effort now.

Anywa, to learn about font handling in LaTeX, run the command

texdoc fntguide

to see the documentation. Also, there's some more documentation

However, LilyPond doesn't use these high level font commands,
rather it uses low level TeX commands that directly specifies
the name of the font file. This name, in turn, is determined
based on the font related properties of the corresponding
layout object in LilyPond.
For example, to find out the default font used for lyrics,
go to the section in the on-line manual on "Entering lyrics" and
follow the link at the bottom of the page to the program reference
for the LyricText layout object. There, you will find that the
font-series is bold-narrow and relative size is +1. To find out
other possible font related properties to set, click on the
link font-interface. The mapping in LilyPond from these properties
to the actual font file isn't really documented so you have to
go to the source code file, which is


Fairchild wrote:
I've been fooling with fonts and getting flusterated.

Is there documentation that will answer such questions as:

 - What is the default font?
 - What is unique to the default font?
 - What font sets are conveniently available?
 - How to reach other font sets that are provided with download?
 - Which are scaleable?
 - What are the font set file naming conventions?
 - What file types (extensions) can be used: .cm, .mf, .tex, . . .  ?
 - How many characters are in each font set: 128, 256, . . .  ?
 - How to peek at the font sets?
 - What are the characters for <blank> and <line feed>?
 - Etc., etc.

Using 2.4.3 under Cygwin, Windows XP.

I'm not asking for detailed answers to these specific questions, though they would be helpful, but for pointers to documentation.


                                       - Bruce


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