Hello Aaron,

This is clear now. Many thanks! And works really well.


On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 5:10 PM Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:

> On 2020-11-27 4:28 pm, Matthew Fong wrote:
> > Hello Aaron,
> >
> > With respect to the scale factor of 5 that you are using. Is that
> > depending
> > on staff size?
> >
> > I'm using #(layout-set-staff-size 18) at the moment.
> Yes, my comment mentioned the default staff space as 5pt.  That is a
> 20pt staff size divided by 4 based on the standard 5-line staff symbol.
> If you know you have a fixed staff size of 18pt, you could just
> calculate the distance by hand.  24/9 should be it, unless I flubbed my
> math.  But if you don't feel like doing any manual computation...
> %%%%
>    \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing =
>      #(lambda (grob)
>        (define (pt n)
>          (* n (ly:output-def-lookup (ly:grob-layout grob) 'pt)))
>        `((basic-distance . ,(pt 12))
>          (minimum-distance . ,(pt 12))
>          (padding . 0) (stretchability . 0)))
> %%%%
> -- Aaron Hill

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