> Nevertheless the process of converting a particular rendering to
> a printed score is possible; it is an art itself and is called
> transcription.

Nice comment! :-).

Transcription is the way of a musician to say, here what I think to be
the intent of the original composer.  Even: here is what I would be
thinking if I was composing that music!  Or simpler: here is what I
understood of it!

> This is the case of Gershwin's Rapsody in Blue which was published
> both as a printed score and as a piano roll [...]

I did not know that.  Very interesting story.

Years ago, we were discussing a few details about how to interpret
(or render) Widor's Vth symphony.  For a gross detail, I personally
think that we play it much too fast (like everything nowadays).  But it
happens that audio recordings started to exist in the lifetime of Widor,
someone recorded Widor playing his own symphony, not long before he
died.  That recording changed medium a few times, but we still have it.

Some people are never wrong, you know, and also, you know some people
are never wrong!  Aren't we lucky to have the Truth with us? :-( :-).
Here, one of the gang, after listening to the recording, remarked that
if Widor played it slower than nowadays, this was only because his old
age destroyed the technique needed to really play it as intended.

François Pinard   http://pinard.progiciels-bpi.ca

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