Hello Fr Samuel,

It sounds like we are solving almost the same issue with note entry, and
Aaron Hill created a function which basically scales note values so that
they group together nicely. And the clutter from manual scaling is removed

However, I am using fixed time (1/4). And to 'force' the spacing, I also
set \override SpacingSpanner.common-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment
1/4. This does mean that tweaking lyric spacing becomes necessary,
i.e. \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #1, or pushing the final bar
out further programmatically with a suggestion Kieren
provided: \once\override Staff.BarLine.extra-spacing-width = #'(-1 . 0)

The solution Aaron provided me is located in this thread:

And if you want to retain rhythmic signs (such as a dot in the final note
of a phrase)

Here's a sample of note entry with multi-note neumes (I've aliased the
function to mnn, or multinote neume)
chantNotes.mode-II_cd-d-de-c-def-fe-de-e = \relative c' {
    % 1
    \mnn { c4( d) } \mnn { d4( e) } c \mnn { d( d e) } f \mnn { f( e) }
\mnn { d( e) } e

    % 2
    g \mnn { g( f) } e \mnn { f( e) } d \mnn { e( d) } \mnn { c( d) } d

    % 3
    c \mnn { d( g) } f \mnn { f( e) } d \mnn { d( e) } \mnn { d( c) } c

    % 4
    c d e \mnn { f( e) } d \mnn { e( d) } \mnn { c( d) } d

Sample output is attached.

Many thanks,

On Sun, Dec 6, 2020 at 12:21 PM Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hi there,
> > It tightens the spacing between notes which are inside a slur so that
> the musical sense is clear without the usual bow (though, it’s a separate
> setting to actually omit the bow).  Attached are two versions of the same
> antiphon: the first uses the usual bow for slurs, the second uses the
> Slur_spacing_engraver instead.  Both are compiled from the same source
> (except for consisting the Slur_spacing_engraver and "\omit”ing the bow).
> >
> > I’m deliberately avoiding the suggestion in the manual on using a fixed
> time and tuplets because I feel that construction makes the source for the
> notes really difficult to enter and read because of all the interspersed
> durations (and the calculations necessary to figure them out).  By using
> the Slur_spacing_engraver I eliminate the need to worry about the durations
> at all and simply slur notes that belong to the same syllable  (which is
> normal practice anyway).
> I think an engraver like that is the right approach. The last piece of the
> solution, as I see it, is to take the syllable attached to the [first note
> of the] slur/melisma, add the "*" with some padding to the left, then reset
> the X-offset or self-alignment-X so that the syllable stays in the correct
> position relative to the note.
> Making this happen is currently above my Scheme pay grade, and I don’t
> have the time right now to put into it… but maybe Aaron can add that on to
> his solution without much trouble?
> Apologies!
> Kieren.
> ________________________________
> Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
> ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
> ‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info

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