sorry for that mess in my last post.
This time, I'll copy-past my code straight from Frescobaldi.
Hope it works now...


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
\version "2.20.0"

toneClusterDown = #(define-music-function
                    (note1 note2) (ly:music? ly:music?)
                       (p1 (ly:music-property note1 'pitch))
                       (p2 (ly:music-property note2 'pitch))
                       (y1 (+ (* 7 (ly:pitch-octave p2))
(ly:pitch-notename p2)))
                       (y2 (+ (* 7 (ly:pitch-octave p1))
(ly:pitch-notename p1)))
                        (if (> y1 y2)
                            (- y1 y2)
                            (- y2 y1)
                       (note-a (if (> y1 y2) note1 note2 ))
                       (note-b (if (> y1 y2) note2 note1 ))
                         \once \voiceTwo
                           \new Voice {
                             \tweak NoteHead.stem-attachment #'(0 . 0.7)
                             \tweak Stem.length #(- steps 1.4)
                             \tweak Stem.thickness #2
                             \tweak Flag.stencil ##f

toneClusterUp = #(define-music-function
                  (note1 note2) (ly:music? ly:music?)
                     (p1 (ly:music-property note1 'pitch))
                     (p2 (ly:music-property note2 'pitch))
                     (y1 (+ (* 7 (ly:pitch-octave p2))
(ly:pitch-notename p2)))
                     (y2 (+ (* 7 (ly:pitch-octave p1))
(ly:pitch-notename p1)))
                      (if (> y1 y2)
                          (- y1 y2)
                          (- y2 y1)
                     (note-a (if (> y1 y2) note1 note2 ))
                     (note-b (if (> y1 y2) note2 note1 ))
                       \once \voiceOne
                         \new Voice {
                           \tweak NoteHead.stem-attachment #'(0 . 0.7)
                           \tweak Stem.length #(- steps 1.4)
                           \tweak Stem.thickness #2
                           \tweak Flag.stencil ##f

%% Test:
  \toneClusterDown f'1 f''
  \toneClusterDown f'2 f''
  \toneClusterDown g'' g'
  \toneClusterDown a' a''
  \toneClusterDown b'' b'
  \toneClusterDown c''4. a''
  \toneClusterDown d''8 g''
  \toneClusterDown g'8 c''
  \toneClusterDown g'8 c''
  \toneClusterDown a cis'''
  \toneClusterDown a cis'''
  \bar "||"
  \toneClusterUp f'1 f''
  \toneClusterUp f'2 f''
  \toneClusterUp g'' g'
  \toneClusterUp a' a''
  \toneClusterUp b'' b'
  \toneClusterUp c''4. a''
  \toneClusterUp d''8 g''
  \toneClusterUp g'8 c''
  \toneClusterUp g'8 c''
  \toneClusterUp a cis'''
  \toneClusterUp a cis'''
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

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