Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Please always tell what LilyPond version you have when you ask a
question to the mailing list. I assumed that you had the latest
stable version, 2.4.x, but it seems that you have an earlier version.
If you read the section on "Text Markup" in the manual for your version
of LilyPond, I'm sure that you can figure out the correct syntax.


David Sanders wrote:

The easiest is probably to typeset it all using a single \markup.
Something like:
a4^\markup{\column {\teeny \sharp } { \musicglyph #"scripts-turn" }
{\teeny \sharp} }

That looks like it should do exactly what I want, but I get the following

----------- error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting '<':
                   {\teeny \sharp } { \musicglyph #"scripts-turn" }  {
\teeny \sharp } }

The error message says exactly what the problem is and agrees with the way \column works for me with 2.4.2. The example in the Text Markup of the manual for 2.4.2 is:

\markup { \column < a bbbb c > }


Paul Scott

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