Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am currently busy with the encoding of our churchchoir's music in Lilypond 
2.5.19 on a mandriva 10.2 RC-2 machine. The text is russian, and I am glad I 
can use it now, because this project is now running for about 2 years, 
waiting for the unicode-support in Lilypond. Thanks and kudus to all the 

I have a problem with two things:

1: The following lilypond-file does not shape up to my expectations. If I 
remove all the recurring answers of the litany, it compiles correctly, but as 
soon as I add one or more of the recurring textual answers it fails to 
compile successfully. It gives the warning "going back in time....", but it 
gives an extra empty measure, which is not indicated in the original score.

2: The bass/bariton will sometime sing in octave, but this I can not engrave 
it when the original score says to use whole notes. Can you give me pointers 
jow I can indicate the two notes belong to one part of a two-voice system. 
BTW this is also true for the other voices, but ther it is rare.

Herman Grootaers
\header { maintainer = "Lezer Herman (Grootaers)"
          lastupdated = "2003/07/08"
\version "2.5.19"
global = { \key d \major
           \time 3/4
sop = \relative c''
{ \grace a8 a4. g8 a b b2. a^\fermata \bar "||"
  \grace a8 a4. a8 a a a2. a^\fermata \bar "||"
  \grace a8 b4. a8 g fis g2. fis^\fermata \bar "||"
  \grace a8 d4. cis8 b a g2. fis^\fermata \bar "||"
  \grace a8 b4. a8 g fis e2. d^\fermata \bar "||"
  s2 a'4 d( cis b) a2.( g2) g4 fis2.^\fermata
  fis4 fis2^\fermata \bar "|."
alt = \relative c'
{ \stemDown \grace fis8 fis4. e8 fis g g2. fis_\fermata
  \stemDown \grace fis8 e4. e8 fis g g2. fis_\fermata
  \stemDown \grace fis8 g4. d8 cis d d2( cis4) d2._\fermata
  \stemDown \grace fis8 fis4. a8 g fis e2( cis4) d2._\fermata
  \stemDown \grace cis8 cis4. d8 e d e2( cis4) d2._\fermata
  s2 fis4 fis( a g) e( d2 d2) cis4 d2._\fermata
  d4 d2_\fermata \bar "|."
ten = \relative c'
{ \grace a8 a4. a8 a g g4(b cis) d2.^\fermata
  \grace d8 cis4. cis8 d cis cis2. d^\fermata
  \grace d8 d4. d8 a a a2. a^\fermata
  \grace d8 d4. d8 d d b2( a4) a2.^\fermata
  \grace e8 g4. fis8 b a g2. fis^\fermata
  s2 d'4 d2. cis4( d a b2) a4 a2.^\fermata
  a4 a2^\fermata
bas = \relative c
{ \stemDown \grace d8 d4. d8 d d d2. d_\fermata
  \stemDown \grace d8 a'4. g8 fis e e2. d_\fermata
  \stemDown \grace d8 g4. fis8 e d e2. d_\fermata
  \stemDown \grace d8 b'4. fis8 g d e2. d_\fermata
  \stemDown \grace a8 a4. a8 a a a2. d_\fermata
  s2 d4 b'4( fis g) g( fis2 e) e4 d2._\fermata
  d4 d2_\fermata \bar "|."
ektenia = \lyricmode
{ " " Гос- по- ди, по- ми- луй.
  " " Гос- по- ди, по- ми- луй.
  " " Гос- по- ди, по- ми- луй.
  " " Гос- по- ди, по- ми- луй.
  " " Гос- по- ди, по- ми- луй.
  Те- бе, Гос -по- ди.
  А- минъ.
\score { \context ChoirStaff << \context Staff = "women" << \context Voice = 
"soprano" { \voiceOne << \global \sop >> }
                                                            \context Voice = 
"alto" { \voiceTwo << \global \alt >> }
                                                            \context Lyrics = 
alto { s1 }
                                \context Staff = "men" << \clef bass
                                                          \context Voice = 
"tenor" { \voiceOne << \global \ten >> }
                                                          \context Voice = 
"bass" { \voiceTwo << \global \bas >> }
                                \context Lyrics = alto \lyricsto alto \ektenia
         \layout { indent = 0.0\mm
                   \context { \Staff
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