Hello. I get an offset on the left side of the page for the first line and don't know why or how to get rid of it.
\version "2.20.0"
#(define mydrums '(
    (bassdrum default #f -5)
    (pedalhihat cross #f -5)
    (snare default #f 1)
    (hihat cross #f 5)
    (ridecymbal diamond #f 5)
    (himidtom default #f 3)
    (lowmidtom default #f -2)
    (lowtom default #f -3)
\header {
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f
\new DrumStaff <<
  \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
  \drummode {
    \time 4/4
    \repeat percent 4 {<sn bd>16^> sn <sn hhp> sn} |
    \repeat percent 4 {<sn bd>16 sn^> <sn hhp> sn} |
    \repeat percent 4 {<sn bd>16 sn <sn hhp>^> sn} |
    \repeat percent 4 {<sn bd>16 sn <sn hhp> sn^>} |
    \repeat percent 4 {<sn bd>16^> sn^> <sn hhp> sn} |
    \repeat percent 4 {<sn bd>16 sn^> <sn hhp>^> sn} |
    \repeat percent 4 {<sn bd>16 sn <sn hhp>^> sn^>} |
    \repeat percent 4 {<sn bd>16^> sn <sn hhp> sn^>} |
Can anybody explain how do delete it?

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