From: lilypond-user <> 
on behalf of Jean Abou Samra <>
Date: Friday, February 12, 2021 at 8:19 AM
To: David Kastrup <>, Richard Shann <>
Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist <>
Subject: Re: Braces with TabStaff


Still, the output from this doesn't look expected:

\version "2.23.1" music = { c''1 } \new StaffGroup <<   \new TabStaff \music   
\new Staff \music >> \new ChoirStaff <<   \new TabStaff \music   \new Staff 
\music >>

Doing some debugging:

\version "2.23.1" \layout { \context { \Score % Force showing all system start 
delimiters \override SystemStartBracket.collapse-height = -1 \override 
SystemStartBrace.collapse-height = -1 \override SystemStartBar.collapse-height 
= -1 \override SystemStartSquare.collapse-height = -1 % Some messages for 
debugging \consists #(lambda (context) (make-engraver (acknowledgers 
((system-start-delimiter-interface engraver grob source-engraver) (ly:message 
"Found ~s from ~s" grob (ly:context-name (ly:translator-context 
source-engraver))))))) } } music = { c''1 } \new StaffGroup << \new TabStaff 
\music \new Staff \music >> \new ChoirStaff << \new TabStaff \music \new Staff 
\music >> \new ChoirStaff \with { systemStartDelimiterHierarchy = 
#'(SystemStartSquare) } << \new Staff \music \new TabStaff \music \new Staff 
\music >> \new ChoirStaff \with { \accepts TabStaff } << \new Staff \music \new 
TabStaff \music \new Staff \music >>

This yields:

Interpreting music...

Found #<Grob SystemStartBracket > from StaffGroup

Found #<Grob SystemStartBar > from Score

Preprocessing graphical objects...

Interpreting music...

Found #<Grob SystemStartBracket > from StaffGroup

Found #<Grob SystemStartBracket > from ChoirStaff

Found #<Grob SystemStartBar > from Score

Preprocessing graphical objects...

Interpreting music...

Found #<Grob SystemStartSquare > from StaffGroup

Found #<Grob SystemStartSquare > from ChoirStaff

Found #<Grob SystemStartBar > from Score

Preprocessing graphical objects...

Interpreting music...

Found #<Grob SystemStartBracket > from ChoirStaff

Found #<Grob SystemStartBar > from Score

Preprocessing graphical objects...

It looks like ly/ is missing
\accepts "TabStaff" in the definition of ChoirStaff.
This causes an intermediate StaffGroup containing
just one TabStaff to be created as a layer between
ChoirStaff and TabStaff to fullfill acceptance

If you agree, I'll make a quick patch.

It seems to me like a ChoirStaff is a special kind of StaffGroup that is not 
intended to have tablature associated with it.

Wouldn’t the better approach be to have the user create a new custom StaffGroup?

One of the strengths of LilyPond is keeping appropriate semantics in the input 
files.  I don’t think ChoirStaff is the appropriate semantics for a StaffGroup 
containing a traditional music staff and a tablature staff.




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