On 2021-03-01 9:52 am, N Trocado wrote:
I like to have hairpins cut through barlines, extending to the note
that ends them on the first beat of the next bar, whenever there's a
time signature change. Stopping short of the barline in this case, as
is the default, leaves a bit too much space between the end of the
hairpin and the dynamic symbol.
I know that I can \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f. But would it be
possible to configure the default behavior to work as described,
instead of spraying overrides everywhere?

Are you doing \once \override or just \override? A singular \override will affect all Hairpins from that point in the music forward (or until another \override or a \revert). Assuming you want this behavior for all Hairpins across all staves, just do the \override at a suitably global level.

% Top-level or within \score
\layout { \context { \Staff \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f } }

If you need to scope this to a particular Staff, either use the \with block or just \override as the first thing in the music:

\new Staff \with { \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f } { ... }
% or %
{ \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f ... }

Finally, if you need a mixture of Hairpins that either extend to the note or stop at the barline, then you might want to define a helper variable:

extend = -\tweak to-barline ##f \etc

\fixed c' { \time 3/4 g2 a8 \extend \< b | \time 2/4 cis'2 \! }

-- Aaron Hill

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