Hello Lydia. To achieve what you want you should not use bookparts. Instead just simply use multiple \score blocks and you’ll get what you want.
To get the titles working you need to understand the difference between the bookTitleMarkup (a markup printed at the begin of every bookpart) and the scoreTitleMarkup (the markup printed at the begin of every score). So the idea is: Set printAllHeader to true, so that the bookTitleMarkup is used. Then change the scoreTitlemarkup to give you what you want. And finally you need to understand the difference between a global header block, which will affect all scores, and a header block within a score, which will only affect that one score. Thus you need to put the value of piece inside the score blocks. I’ve applied those changes to your example. Look out for → Removal of bookparts → Shifting of header blocks inside the scores → The title stuff in the paper block Cheers, Valentin
\version "2.18.2" \paper { print-all-headers = ##t scoreTitleMarkup = \markup\fill-line{ \fromproperty #'header:piece " " } oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { \null \teeny\sans "Octoechos: Sunday" } evenHeaderMarkup = \oddHeaderMarkup top-margin = #25 right-margin = 18 left-margin = \right-margin markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = 10 system-system-spacing.basic-distance = 12 last-bottom-spacing.basic-distance = 10 } \layout { \omit Staff.TimeSignature \set Timing.timing = ##f % The following two commands add an (invisible) bar line after every note, % so Lilypond may add line breaks where they fit best. \set Timing.defaultBarType = "" \set Timing.barAlways = ##t } global = { \key g \major } #(set-global-staff-size 23) words = \lyricmode{ Ac_ -- cept our evening prayers O ho_ -- -ly__ Lord! __Grant us re -- -mis -- sion of sins,\bar"|" \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \markup{for You alone have manifested} the Re_ -- -sur_ -- -rec_ -- -tion to the world! } sopMusic = \relative c'' { a4 a2(b2)\bar"" a4 a4 a4\bar"" fis4 g4 fis4 e2 \bar"|" g4 g4 fis4 g2 a4 a4 fis2 a4 \bar"" a4 g4 fis4 g4(a2) g4 fis2(e4) d4 e1 \bar "|." } altoMusic = \relative c' { fis4 fis2(g2) fis4 fis4 fis4 d4 d4 d4 b2 d4 d4 d4 d2 d4 d4 d2 fis4 fis4 g4 d4 d2. d4 d2. a4 cis1 } tenorMusic = \relative c' { d4 d1 c4 c4 c4 a4 b4 a4 g2 b4 b4 a4 b2 c4 c4 a2 c4 c4 b4 a4 b4(c2) b4 a2(g4) fis4 a1 } bassMusic = \relative c { d4 d2(g2) d4 d4 d4 d4 g4 d4 e2 g4 g4 d4 g2 d4 d4 d2 d4 d4 d4 d4 g4( fis2) g4 d2. d4 a1 } \header { title = \markup{\normal-text "Stichera at 'Lord I Call'"} subtitle = \markup{\huge\normal-text "Tone 1"} subsubtitle = \markup \center-column { "" \vspace #1 } composer = "Kievan Chant" arranger = " arr. from B. Ledkovsky" opus = "Adapted by L. Westerberg" } \score { \header { piece = "Sticheron I" } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \\ << \global \altoMusic >> >> \new Lyrics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #CENTER } \lyricsto "sopranos" \words \new Staff \with { \clef bass } << << \global \tenorMusic >> \\ << \global \bassMusic >> >> >> } #(set-global-staff-size 23) words = \lyricmode { En -- cir __ -- cle Zi -- on. and surround her, O peo -- ple! \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT Give___glory___in___her___to___the___One who \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #CENTER rose from the dead! ___For___ He__ is__ our __ God, __Who_ has_ delivered_ us_ from_ our_ trans_ -- -gres_ __ -- __sions! } sopMusic = \relative c'' { a4 a2(b2) a4(fis4) g4(fis4) e2\bar"|" g4 g4 g4 fis4 g2(a2) fis2 \bar"|" a4 a4\bar"" g2 g4 g4 fis2\bar"|" g2 fis2 g2 a2(g2) fis2\bar"" a4 a4 a4 g4 fis4 g4(a2) g4 fis2(e4 d4) e1 \bar"|." } altoMusic = \relative c' { fis4 fis2(g2) fis4(d4) d2 b2 d4 d4 d4 d4 d1 d2 fis4 fis4 d2 d4 d4 d2 d2 d2 d2 d1 d2 fis4 fis4 fis4 g4 d4 d2. d4 d2.(a4) cis1 } tenorMusic = \relative c' { d4 d1 c4( a4) b4(a4) g2 b4 b4 b4 a4 b2(c2) a2 c4 c4 b2 b4 b4 a2 b2 a2 b2 c2( b2) a2 c4 c4 c4 b4 a4 b4(c2) b4 a2(g4 fis4) a1 } bassMusic = \relative c { d4 d2(g2) d2 g4(d4) e2 g4 g4 g4 d4 g2(d2) d2 d4 d4 g2 g4 g4 d2 g2 d2 g2 fis2(g2) d2 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 g4( fis2) g4 d1 a1 } \score { \header { piece = "Sticheron II" } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \\ << \global \altoMusic >> >> \new Lyrics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #CENTER } \lyricsto "sopranos" \words \new Staff \with { \clef bass } << << \global \tenorMusic >> \\ << \global \bassMusic >> >> >> }
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.