Here is a question for anyone who may have been using lilypond for projects
involving text and many, many, short and similar musical snippets.

I am putting together a book that will contain many (very brief)
exercises, grouped thematically. I had thought a convenient and flexible
way to organize the material and keep future maintenance under control
would be to create top level variables names for the main musical
categories and sub-categories and then assign each score snippet to
progressively numbered variable. So I would have, CategA-1 = {"code for one
exercise"} , CategB-2 = "code for another exercise"}, and so on. Clean
structure, easy to maintain and rearrange, etc.

Then I discovered that lilypond does not allow numbers in variable
names.... :-(

I'd be willing to bet my use case is not particularly weird---there must
have been other people encountering the same problem.

How have you guys managed it?



Stefano Franchi <>

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