
Am So., 4. Apr. 2021 um 13:55 Uhr schrieb <boille...@outlook.com>:
> Hello, I am new to Lilypond* !
> I allow myself to send you my message since I cannot post it on the nabble 
> forum.

Are you subscribed to the mailing-list?
Then you could write to it directly.

For now I forwarded your mail to the mailing-list, many people here
doing huge scores.


> Any tips / workflow for large-scale projects (film score, Opera, ...) ?
> How do you approach condensed scores / cues / divisi ?
> How do you deal with score generation time ?
> How to modify (in a 1800+ bars project) bar 446 (4/8 => 3/8); remove or add 
> bars in the middle of an orchestral score; change spreaded dynamics on 
> several staves at once - effectively (and without Frescobaldi) ?
> Once Lilypond mastered will I be able to write large scores in the same time 
> (or even faster) that it would take using WYSIWYG softwares ?
> Although ly is Open Source with the flexibility that comes with it, do you 
> think this beautiful software will be maintained by 2036 and beyond ?
> Finally, I've read several times that PostScript is getting obsolete : how 
> will this impact lilypond in the short / medium and long term? 
> https://helpx.adobe.com/be_fr/fonts/kb/postscript-type-1-fonts-end-of-support.html
> Looking forward to reading you !
> Thanks in advance for your time and sorry for the translation.
> Best regards,
> *Why would I prefer to use Lilypond over MuseScore or Dorico?
> MuseScore has some limitations like: Tuplets across barlines; copy / paste 
> key and time signatures / conductor score condensing and so on.
> Dorico is very good but the license activation (to open the current project 
> or modify old projects): I dont want to be dependent on an internet 
> connection or the existence of the manufacturer's servers if it comes to 
> disappear. The current system with dongle gives me a 5/10 year warranty as 
> long as I have the key and an installation of Windows 10.
> I have 3 options:
> Use Dorico and hope that MuseScore fills in its gaps (tuplets over barlines 
> ..) within a few years if Dorico had to disapear and that the scores produced 
> by a newer Dorico version at this time (in a decade) were not backward 
> compatible with my old Dorico with dongle on Windows 10.
> Use Dorico and learn Lilypond in parallel : create custom C app that would 
> generate .ly files, ..
> Use Lilypond as my main notation software by betting that he will be 
> maintened as long as Dorico and that my time investment will not lose its 
> value if we imagine that MuseScore evolves drastically in a short period of 
> time !
> What would you do in order to always have the possibility of modifying old 
> projects without restarting an re-proof/edit cycle (for instance : import 
> MusicXML .. into the new environment) ?
> Thanks again !
> Please sorry for the inconvenience.
> _____________________________________
> Sent from http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com

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