Am Mo., 5. Apr. 2021 um 12:00 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley

> { b'4\glissando 4 4 4 2 b'' }
> The plan is to print a glissando from b' to b'' and at intermediate
> NoteColumns print a Stem starting at the glissando line, i.e. the
> result will be a stemmed Glissando.
> (1) Obviously I need the intersection points of the y-axis of the
> Stems and the Glissando.
> I've coded an engraver to set the relevant pointers (from Stem to
> Glissando) and use some calculations to get them. This work is done.
> (2) Then I intend to move all NoteHeads of intermediate NoteColumns to
> sit on the glissando line, making them transparent (or point-stencil
> or omit the stencil)
> This would have the advantage that LilyPond could do the rest, i.e.
> print Stem, Beam, Script etc accordingly.
> Obviously the calculation of the intersection points needs to be done
> after the Glissando is printed, thus a simple override for
> NoteHead.Y-offset will not work, afaict.
> From description in the docs about unpure-pure-containers, this is a
> similar situation as for Beams and needed Stem lengths.
> Alas, I never came to grips with unpure-pure-containers. Granted, the
> explanations/descriptions in the docs improved over the years.
> Though, we don't have working coding-examples in the docs, "working"
> in the sense of "let me play with the code, testing what happens if I
> do this and that":
> The example in NR 5.5.6 works with and without unpure-pure-containers.
> The example (sort of) in CG 10.13.3 makes no sense to me, at least I
> found no situation where "bar" is called at all.
> The regtest is probably ok as a regtest, it
> shows something is done, but why should a user do that at all. As a
> user I'd say, don't move the flag if you don't want a moved flag...
> That's it for the docs or did I overlook something?
> Unpure-pure-containers in LSR: zero
> Valentin's example works without unpure-pure-container as well.
> Thus, I'm at a loss, close to abandoning the work.

Ok, another 5 days passed working allday on the problem, progress: zero.
I give up.

Some insights:
It would have been helpful to understand how Stems fit into a Beam,
then I could use this knowledge to probably do similar with glissando
and Stems.
I was not able to figure it out.
Obviously the Stems needs to be positioned after Beam (or Glissando) is done.
An unpure-pure-container looked promising.
Though, I was not able to code even the simplest via native scheme.
This leads to the conclusion that unpure-pure-containers are not
accessible/customizable for users like me.
At least unless much more working examples are done in the docs.

Nevertheless, thanks Jean for his thoughts and ofcourse for his great
"Extending LilyPond".


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