
I've come along a problem that made me wonder if this is by design or a bug
that could be fixed in future versions. I'm still on version 2.20.0 so
maybe it has been fixed already. In that case, sorry for lagging behind.

The problem seems to occur when an accidental (in this case a natural) is
implicit because the note is tied (see example code below). There is an
ugly gap between the two naturals in the 2nd bar and the half-note chord.
At first I thought this was to avoid a collision with the tie, so I tried
to move the tie up, to no avail. I also tried shifting the whole note in
the first voice to the right side of the note column, but that also didn't

At some point I removed the tie and noticed that the implicit natural of
the whole note exactly filled the gap. When I removed the stencil of the
accidental grob the problem was solved (uncomment the comment line in the

Once you know this, it's easy to fix but when you first come across it,
it's hard to figure out what the problem is. It seems quite unnecessary
that the hidden natural still occupies space, but maybe there is a good
reason why it was programmed this way?

Thanks for your attention. Best regards,

Aberforth D

\version "2.20.0"
\language "english"

partA = {
  \key e \major \time 4/4 \clef "G"
  g''1~ |
  %\once \override Accidental.stencil = ##f

partAb = {
  \key e \major \time 4/4 \clef "G"
  <g' b'>2( <a' c''>4 <b' d''>4) |
  <d'' f''>2( <c'' e''>2)

\score {
  \new PianoStaff = "pianostaff" <<
    \new Staff = "RH" <<
      \new Voice = "RH1" \partA
      \new Voice = "RH2" \partAb

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