Am Sa., 17. Apr. 2021 um 14:15 Uhr schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser <>:

> Hi Federico,
> Am 17.04.21 um 01:10 schrieb Federico Sarudiansky:
> Hi,
> in addition to that, I've on occations had to engrave
> [image: image.png]
> Yes, that would have been the follow-up to my question: This is even
> worse, for LilyPond turns
> \version "2.22.0"
> { <c' cis' d'> }
> into
> But there are interesting snippets and postings for that:
> In particular, Harm's coding in the third link (although marked for
> version 2.16.0) still compiles with 2.22
> Lukas
> Somewhere on the list there might be a newer coding of mine.
Anyway, I took the opportunity to rework it.
See attached.
I'm pretty sure there are still bugs in it, please report them here on the

\version "2.23.0"

%#(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines #t)

%% Distribute Stem's NoteHeads and draw a new Stem connecting them all

#(define (distribute-stem-note-heads note-head-shifts)
  (lambda (grob)
  "Takes the note-heads from a @code{Stem} grob and applies offsets in
X-direction taken from @var{note-head-shifts}.  If accidentals are present they
are moved along with their corresponding note-head.
Preserves user-generated overrides/tweaks for @code{X-offset} of NoteColumn
and/or Accidentals.
    (let* ((nhds-array (ly:grob-object grob 'note-heads))
             (if (ly:grob-array? nhds-array)
                 (ly:grob-array->list nhds-array)
           ;; NoteColumn
           (nc (ly:grob-parent grob X))
           (nc-x-off (ly:grob-property nc 'X-offset 0))
           ;; AccidentalPlacement of the NoteColumn
           (acc-col (ly:note-column-accidentals nc))
           ;; Accidentals of each NoteHead
               (lambda (nhd) (ly:grob-object nhd 'accidental-grob))
      ;; Move note-heads in X-direction, looking at 'note-head-shifts'
        (lambda (nhd nhd-shift)
          (ly:grob-translate-axis! nhd
      ;; If Accidentals present, move along with their NoteHeads
      (if (ly:grob? acc-col)
            (lambda (nhd-shift acc)
              ;; AccidentalColumn may be present, although not every
              ;; NoteHead is altered, thus the need to check for Accidental
              ;; as well
              (if (ly:grob? acc)
                  (let* ((acc-col-right-padding
                           (ly:grob-property acc-col 'right-padding))
                         (details (ly:grob-property acc 'details))
                         ;; Read and later apply acc's X-offset to offer the
                         ;; user a possibility to fine-tune appearance.
                         ;; Directly using (ly:grob-property acc 'X-offset)
                         ;; disturbs in this stage, thus we read 'X-offset from
                         ;; (ly:grob-properties acc).
                             (assoc-get 'single-x-offset details 0))
                             (ly:event-property (event-cause acc) 'pitch))))

                      (- (+ nhd-shift nc-x-off acc-X-off)
                         ;; 1.1 is a little more then the width of crotchet
                         ;; other values don't look as good
                         ;; TODO make it a property of Stem?
                         (case alteration
                           ((0) 0.8)
                           ((-1/2) 0.8)
                           ((1/2) 1.1)
                           ((-1) 1.4)
                           ((1) 1.1)
                           (else 1.1))

#(define (splitted-stem-stencil note-head-shifts stem-pos . rest)
  (lambda (grob)
  "Returns a stem-stencil.
There will be a vertical line, drawn from the end of the stem to a
point where all other lines (drawn from note-heads to this point) will meet.
@var{stem-pos}, a number, will determine where the vertical part happens.
A value of zero usually means above the first note-head.  If set @code{#f}
the default stem-stencil is taken.
The length of the vertical part is customizable by an override for
@code{Stem.details.splitted-stem-vertical-length} defaulting to '(1 0 2), with
values for beamed-stem, flagged-stem, stem-only.
Preserves user-generated overrides for @code{NoteColumn.X-offset}.
If @var{rest} is set it should contain a number-list indicating for which
@code{NoteHead} a new calculated @code{Stem} is excluded.  This list follows
the entered order of the @code{Stem} @code{NoteHead} grobs."
    (let* ((default-stil (ly:stem::print grob))
           (nc (ly:grob-parent grob X))
           (rest? (ly:grob? (ly:grob-object nc 'rest))))

      (if (or rest? (not stem-pos) (< (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log) 1))
          ;; use default for whole and longer notes, if stem-pos is set #f or
          ;; for rests
          (let* ((pc (ly:item-get-column grob))
                 (nc-x-off (ly:grob-property nc 'X-offset 0))
                 (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
                 (thick (* (ly:grob-property grob 'thickness)
                           (ly:staff-symbol-line-thickness grob)))
                 (staff-space (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob))
                 (half-space (* 0.5 staff-space))
                 (details (ly:grob-property grob 'details))
                 ;; How long should be the vertical part of the Stem?
                 ;; Look at Stem.details.splitted-stem-vertical-length which
                 ;; should be a list containing three values for:
                 ;; beamed-stem, flagged-stem, stem-only
                   (assoc-get 'splitted-stem-vertical-length details '(1 0 2)))
                   (ly:grob-property grob 'length-fraction 1))
                   (if (pair? rest)
                       (car rest)
                 (shift-min (apply min note-head-shifts))
                 ;(shift-max (apply max note-head-shifts))
                 ;(shift-amount (+ (abs shift-max) (abs shift-min)))

                 (beam (ly:grob-object grob 'beam))
                   (if (ly:grob? beam)
                       (- (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log) 2)
                   (if (ly:grob? beam)
                       (ly:grob-property beam 'beam-thickness)
                 (flag (ly:grob-object grob 'flag))
                   (if (ly:grob? flag)
                       (ly:grob-extent flag flag Y)
                       '(+inf.0 . -inf.0)))
                   (if (interval-sane? flag-y-ext)
                       (interval-length flag-y-ext)
                 (note-heads-array (ly:grob-object grob 'note-heads))
                   (if (ly:grob-array? note-heads-array)
                       (ly:grob-array->list note-heads-array)
                     (lambda (nhd) (ly:grob-property nhd 'staff-position))
                     (lambda (nhd) (ly:grob-property nhd 'stem-attachment))
                   ;;;; TODO
                   ;; Why not
                   ;; (ordered-cons
                   ;;   (/ (ly:stem::calc-stem-begin-position grob) 2)
                   ;;   (/ (ly:stem::calc-stem-end-position grob) 2))
                   ;;;; or:
                   ;; (ly:grob-robust-relative-extent
                   ;;   grob (ly:grob-common-refpoint grob pc Y) Y)
                   ;;;; ??
                   (ly:stencil-extent default-stil Y))
                 ;; Calculate the difference from default-stem-end-coordinate to
                 ;; the various note-head's staff-positions.
                 ;; Applied later, while doing the various stem-lines
                     (lambda (nhd-stem-attchment nhd-staff-pos)
                          (if (positive? dir)
                              (car stem-stil-y-ext)
                              (cdr stem-stil-y-ext))
                          (+ (/ nhd-staff-pos 2)
                             (if (ly:version? > '(2 22 0))
                                 (cdr nhd-stem-attchment)
                                 (* dir (cdr nhd-stem-attchment))))))
                 ;; first note-head X-coord
                      (ly:grob-relative-coordinate (car note-heads-list) pc X)
                 ;; Make sure the stem-melting point is above/below Flag/Beam
                 ;; Relying on details.splitted-stem-vertical-lengths, a list
                 ;; with three entries
                   (if (>= (length splitted-stem-vertical-lengths) 3)
                       (cond ((ly:grob? beam)
                              (+ (list-ref splitted-stem-vertical-lengths 0)
                                 (/ (+ (* 2 beam-thick)
                                    (* beam-count stem-length-fraction)) 2)))
                             ((ly:grob? flag)
                              (+ (list-ref splitted-stem-vertical-lengths 1)
                             (else (list-ref splitted-stem-vertical-lengths 2)))
                  "splitted-stem-vertical-lengths needs 3 entries: ~a, ignoring"

            ;;;; Move possible Flag/Beam
            (cond ((ly:grob? beam)
                   (let* ((stems (ly:grob-object beam 'stems))
                          ;; TODO Is 1 the correct fallback value?
                          ;;      Need to check with ly:grob-array? at all?
                            (if (ly:grob-array? stems)
                                (ly:grob-array-length stems)
                   ;; TODO Mmhh, this will translate the beam a little bit
                   ;; every time a new stem is encountered.
                   ;; How to do it better?
                     (/ (+ shift-min stem-pos) stem-count) 
                  ;; If a beam is printed flag-grobs are "turned down", but
                  ;; not suicided, thus check flags _after_ beam.
                  ((ly:grob? flag)
                     (+ (apply min note-head-shifts) (* 1 stem-pos))

            ;;;; Construct the new stem-stencil
            ;; Modify note-heads-list to exclude vertain note-heads from getting
            ;; a new Stem
              (lambda (i)
                (list-set! note-heads-list (1- i) #f))
              ;; A vertical line-stencil drawn from a melting-point to
              ;; Flag, Beam or default-end
                ;; x-start
                (+ stem-pos x)
                ;; y-start
                (+ (* dir -1 length-vertical-stem)
                   (if (positive? dir)
                       (cdr stem-stil-y-ext)
                       (car stem-stil-y-ext)))
                ;; x-end
                (+ stem-pos x)
                ;; y-end
                (if (positive? dir)
                    (cdr stem-stil-y-ext)
                    (car stem-stil-y-ext)))
              ;; A list of line-stencils, drawn from note-head to a
              ;; melting-point
                (lambda (y-corr nh)
                  (if (ly:grob? nh)
                      (let ((my-x (car (ly:grob-extent nh pc X))))
                          ;; x-start
                          (+ stem-pos x)
                          ;; y-start
                          (+ (* dir -1 length-vertical-stem)
                             (if (positive? dir)
                                 (cdr stem-stil-y-ext)
                                 (car stem-stil-y-ext)))
                          ;; x-end
                          (- my-x nc-x-off)
                          ;; y-end
                          (- (if (positive? dir)
                                 (car stem-stil-y-ext)
                                 (cdr stem-stil-y-ext))

distributeNoteHeads =
#(define-music-function (no-new-stem stem-pos nhd-shifts)
  ((list? '()) boolean-or-number? list?)
  "Returns overrides to distribute note-heads of a stem, according to
@var{nhd-shifts}, and to get a new stem-stencil connecting all those note-heads,
looking at @var{stem-pos}, which may be set @code{#f} to keep default.
The provided new stem-stencil frequently needs to be longer, thus larger values
for @code{beamed-lengths} and @code{lengths} are supplied.  Those can be
modified by overrides for @code{Stem.length} or @code{Beam.positions}."
  \temporary \override Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(5.25 5.25 5.25)
  \temporary \override Stem.details.lengths = #'(4.5 5.5 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0)
  \temporary \override Stem.positioning-done =
    #(distribute-stem-note-heads nhd-shifts)
  \temporary \override Stem.stencil =
    #(splitted-stem-stencil nhd-shifts stem-pos no-new-stem)
  \temporary \override Stem.vertical-skylines =


%% Revert settings of \distributeNoteHeads
revertDistributeNoteHeads = {
  \revert Stem.details.beamed-lengths
  \revert Stem.details.lengths
  \revert Stem.positioning-done
  \revert Stem.stencil
  \revert Stem.vertical-skylines


\paper {
  %ragged-right = ##t
  indent = 0

\layout {
  \accidentalStyle forget
  \context {
    \override RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT

      \fill-line { \fontsize #5 "USAGE" }

    \fill-line {
      \column {
        "1. moved heads, no Stem-tweaking"
        "2. split Stem, main Stem left"
        "3. accidentals follow"
        "4. main Stem at other positions"
        "5. exclude certain new Stem-part"
        "6. move Accidentals, lengthen Stem, move melting point"

  \mark "1."
  \distributeNoteHeads ##f #'(-2 1)
  <f'' f''>4
  \distributeNoteHeads ##f #'(0 2)
  q8 8
  \distributeNoteHeads ##f #'(-2 0)
  8 r

  \mark "2."
  \distributeNoteHeads #0 #'(0 2)
  <f'' f''>4
  q8 8
  8 r

  \mark "3."
  \distributeNoteHeads #0 #'(0 3)
  <f''! fis''>4
  <f''! fis''>8 <f''! fis''>
  <f''! fis''> r

  \mark "4.a"
  \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(0 3)
  <f''! fis''>4
  <f''! fis''>8 <f''! fis''>
  <f''! fis''> r

  \mark "4.b"
  \distributeNoteHeads #1.6 #'(-2 1)
  <f''! fis''>4
  <f''! fis''>8 <f''! fis''>
  <f''! fis''> r

  \mark "4.c"
  \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(-3 0)
  <f''! fis''>4
  <f''! fis''>8 <f''! fis''>
  <f''! fis''> r

  \mark "5. exclude certain new Stem-part"
  \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(-3 0 3)
  <f''! fes'' fis''>4
  \distributeNoteHeads #'(1) #3 #'(-3 0 3)
  <f''! fes'' fis''>4
  \distributeNoteHeads #'(2) #3 #'(-3 0 3)
  <f''! fes'' fis''>4
  \distributeNoteHeads #'(3) #3 #'(-3 0 3)
  <f''! fes'' fis''>4

  \mark "6. move Accidentals. lengthen Stem, move melting point"
  \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(-3 0 4)
  <f''! fes'' \tweak Accidental.details.single-x-offset #-1 fis''>4
  \override Stem.length = 12
  <f''! fes'' fis''>4
  \once \override Stem.details.splitted-stem-vertical-length =
    %% Default for: beamed-stem, flagged-stem, stem-only
    %% '(1 0 2)
    #'(1 0 4)
  <f''! fes'' fis''>4

  \bar "|."

     \fill-line {
       "other examples"

  \distributeNoteHeads #'(2) #0 #'(0 -1.2 2.6 0)
  <e'' f''! fis'' e'''!>4

  \distributeNoteHeads #'(2) #0 #'(0 -1.2 2.6 0)
    \tweak Accidental.details.single-x-offset #-1.2
    \tweak Accidental.details.single-x-offset #-1
    fis'' e'''!

  \once \override Stem.length = #25
  %% Shorten the vertical part after the melting point
  \once \override Stem.details.splitted-stem-vertical-length =
    %% Default for: beamed-stem, flagged-stem, stem-only
    %% '(1 0 2)
    #'(1 0 5)
  \distributeNoteHeads #3.8 #'(-4.5 -2 2 1)
  <e'' f''! fis'' e'''!>64


  \distributeNoteHeads #0 #'(0 0 2.8)
  <b des' dis' f'>2

  \bar "||"
  <ees' ees'' e''!>8[
  <ees' ees'' e''!>]

  \bar "||"

  \distributeNoteHeads #0 #'(0 3)
  <f'' fisis''>4
  \once \override Stem.length = 11
  \once \override Stem.details.splitted-stem-vertical-length =
    %% Default for: beamed-stem, flagged-stem, stem-only
    %% '(1 0 2)
    #'(1 0 3)
  \distributeNoteHeads #1.9 #'(0 3)
  <f'' fisis''>4

  \bar "||"

  \once \override Stem.length = 8
  \once \override Stem.details.splitted-stem-vertical-length =
    %% Default for: beamed-stem, flagged-stem, stem-only
    %% '(1 0 2)
    #'(1 -1 3)
  \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(0 3)
  <f'' fis''>8
  \distributeNoteHeads #1.9 #'(0 3)
  <f'' fis''>

  \bar "||"

  \distributeNoteHeads #0.8 #'(0 2.3)
   \tweak Accidental.details.single-x-offset #0.2 
   \tweak Accidental.font-size #-3 e'!

  \bar "||"

  \distributeNoteHeads #-1.2 #'(0 -3 3 -6 6 -9 9 -12)
  <cis' des' eis' fisis' geses' ais' bes' c''!>2

  \bar "||"

  <c' e'>4


%% Draw a bracket between two NoteColumns from different Voices
%% happening at the same moment

bracketMrkp =
#(define-scheme-function (idx y-off dir bracket-info)
  ((string? "1") number? ly:dir? pair?)
  "Return an empty chord with a bracket-markup.
The style of the bracket depends on @var{bracket-info}.
  - If it is a number-pair then a bracket like |__| is drawn.
  - If it is a list of number-lists then a bracket like /\\ is drawn.
@var{y-off} serves to place the bracket vertically.
@var{dir} determines the direction of the bracket flares and (for the
|__|-bracket) where the number is printed."
  (if (number-pair? bracket-info)
        <>-\tweak staff-padding #'()
          -\tweak outside-staff-priority #'()
          -\tweak Y-offset $y-off
             \override #`(direction . ,(* dir -1))
             \override #`(baseline-skip . ,(if (negative? dir) 1.5 0.5))
               %% TODO this may cause collisions
               \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)  {
                 \translate #(cons (interval-center bracket-info) 0)
                 \fontsize #-5 \halign #CENTER \number #idx
                 \stencil #(ly:bracket X bracket-info 0.1 (* dir -1))
      (let* ((inner-list (drop-right bracket-info 1))
                   (lambda (e)
                     (list (car e) (* dir (cadr e))))
                 (last-pair bracket-info))))

          <>-\tweak staff-padding #'()
            -\tweak outside-staff-priority #'()
            -\tweak Y-offset $y-off
               \translate #'(0.5 . 0)
                  dir-bracket-info 0.2 1 1 #f #f)

  \rounded-box {
    \fill-line {
      \column {
       "Following examples offset NoteColumns and Accidentals after having done"
       "\\override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.positioning-done = ##t"
       "\\bracketMrkp is used"

\new Staff {
  %% Using this override means, you tell LilyPond: "Don't care placing
  %% Accidentals, I'll do it myself"
  %% You better do so then!!
  \once \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.positioning-done = ##t
  \bracketMrkp #-1.2 #DOWN #'(-3.0 . 1.3)
    \new Voice {
      <\tweak Accidental.X-offset #-3.8 f''! f'''>4
    \new Voice {
      \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = -2.8
      <\tweak Accidental.X-offset #-1.2 fis'' c'''>4.

\new Staff {
  %% Using this override means, you tell LilyPond: "Don't care placing
  %% Accidentals, I'll do it myself"
  %% You better do so then!!
  \once \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.positioning-done = ##t
  \bracketMrkp #6.4 #UP #'((1.5 1) (3 0))
    \new Voice {
      \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.8
       \tweak Accidental.X-offset #1.5 eis''
       \tweak Accidental.X-offset #1.5 eis'''
      <fis'' fis'''>])
    \new Voice {
      <c''' e'''>4

  \rounded-box {
    \fill-line {
      \column {
       "Following examples use \\distributeNoteHeads, \\bracketMrkp and"
       "NB collisions may happen with current implementation of \\bracketMrkp"

  \bracketMrkp #3 #UP #'((2 1) (4 0))
  \once \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(0 3)
  <eis'' e''!>1

  \bracketMrkp #4 #UP #'(-0.2 . 5.2)
  \once \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(0 3)
  <eis'' e''!>

  \bracketMrkp "" #4 #UP #'(-0.2 . 5.2)
  \once \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(0 3)
  <eis'' e''!>

  \once \distributeNoteHeads #1.8 #'(0 3)
  <eis'' e''!>2

  \once \distributeNoteHeads #1.8 #'(0 3)
  <eis'' e''!>8
% }

 \rounded-box {
  \fill-line {
   \column {
    "Following examples use"
    "\override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.positioning-done = ##t"

\version "2.20.0"

\score {
  \new Voice {
        \once \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.positioning-done = ##t
        \once \override Accidental.X-offset = #-1.5
        \bracketMrkp #3 #UP #'((1.5 1) (3 0))
        \once \override Accidental.X-offset = #1.6
        \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 2
        \once \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.positioning-done = ##t
        \once \override Accidental.X-offset = #-1.0
        \bracketMrkp #3 #UP #'((1.5 1) (3 0))
        \once \override Accidental.X-offset = #1.6
        \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 2.3
    \once \override NoteColumn.X-offset = 3

  \rounded-box {
    \fill-line {
      "more examples"

\new Staff
 \relative c' {
  %% Long notes, no Stem, but distributing of NoteHeads is possible
  \distributeNoteHeads ##f #'(0 2.75 6.5)
  \set Score.skipBars = ##t
  <dis e fis>\longa
  <dis e fis>\breve
  <dis e fis>1

  \distributeNoteHeads #2 #'(0 2 5)
  %% Customizings
  <dis e fis>2
  %% Lengthen Stem generally
  \once \override Stem.length = 12
  <dis e fis>2
  %% Shorten the vertical part after the melting point
  \once \override Stem.details.splitted-stem-vertical-length =
    %% Default for: beamed-stem, flagged-stem, stem-only
    %% '(1 0 2)
    #'(1 0 1)
  <dis e fis>2
  %% Sometimes there's need for tweaking, X-offset works
  \once\override NoteColumn.X-offset = 2
  <dis'' e fis>2

  %% Short Notes
  <dis,, e fis>4
  <dis e fis>8
  <dis e fis>16
  <dis e fis>32
  \distributeNoteHeads #3 #'(0 3 6)
  \override Stem.length = 24
  <dis eis fis>64
  <dis eis fis>128
  \override Beam.positions =
  #(lambda (grob)
    (let ((dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction)))
     (cons (* dir 5) (* dir 8))))
  <dis eis fis>8[
  <dis eis fis>16
  <dis eis fis>32
  <dis eis fis>64
  <dis eis fis>128
  \once \override Stem.details.splitted-stem-vertical-length =
    #'(1.6 0 2)
  <dis eis fis>256]
  \once\override NoteColumn.X-offset = 3

\new Staff
  \relative c'' {
    \distributeNoteHeads #0 #'(0 3 6 9)
    <dis e fis>4
    <dis e fis>8
    <dis e fis>16
    <dis e fis>32
    \once \revert Stem.positioning-done
    \once \revert Stem.stencil
    <dis eis fis>32
    <dis eis fis>64
    <dis eis fis>128
    <dis eis fis>32[]
    <dis eis fis>

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