Hello Helge,

First at all congratulations for your first score.

→ The no string for pitch warnings come from Lilypond not knowing you have an 
Ukulele. Lilypond takes the Fretboard configurations for a chord from a table, 
which by default has guitar chords. The error just says that there are notes 
for which no strings exist to play them. Use
\include "predefined-ukulele-fretboards.ly"
To include the default set of Ukulele chords, or create your own table.

→ The only real way to do the sus thing would be changing the 
chordNameFunction. It wouldn’t be particularly hard to change the current 
implementation to take a Context Property to specify this text.

→ For the distance: If you place the Lyrics into a Lyrics context, you can 
specify the padding to the related Staff (i.e. The staff that contains the 
melody) and unrelated Staves. So you can do a
 \new Lyrics \with {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing.padding = #4
 } \lyricsto "music" { \verseIII }

Note that for this to work you need to Name the Voice that contains the notes, 
so that the lyrics can be aligned to them.

→ You should use -- for hyphens in lyrics to get proper hyphenation. Use __ to 
get malisma lines.

Also your lyrics are distributed weirdly. I’ve modified your score a bit, but 
I do not know how the last stanza ist supposed to be distributed.

\version "2.22"

\include "deutsch.ly"

\include "predefined-ukulele-fretboards.ly"

\header {
  composer = "Traditional"

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 3/4

chordNames = \chordmode {
  c4. c8:sus4 c4
  d2:m c4:6
  d2:m c4:6

  s4 g s
  s2 a4:sus4
  c4 f c
  f c2
  c2 c4:sus4
  a4:m a:sus4 a:m
  d2:m c4:6

melody = \relative c' {
  \once \tieDashed
  \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
  d4~ d d4 |
  \unset melismaBusyProperties
  a'4 4 4 |
  \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
  e4.( f8) e4 |
  \unset melismaBusyProperties
  d2. ~
  d |
  r4 a' c |
  d2 c4 |
  a h g |
  a2. ~
  a2 d4 |
  d2 4 |
  c2 a4 |
  a g f |
  e8 d c2 ~ |
  c2. |
  d2 a'4 |
  g2 f4 |
  e d c |
  d2. ~ d
  \bar "|."


verse = \lyricmode {
  Are _ you go -- ing to
  Scar -- bo -- rough Fair? __
  Pars -- ley, sage, rose -- ma -- ry and thyme. __
  Re -- mem -- ber me to one who lives there, __ _ _
  she once was a true love of mine.

verseII = \lyricmode {
  Tell her to make me a cam -- _ bric shirt __
  Pars -- ley, sage, rose -- ma -- ry, and thyme. __
  With -- out no seams nor nee -- _ dle work, __ _ _
  then she'll be a true love of mine.

verseIII = \lyricmode {
  Tell her to find me an a -- cre of land __
  Pars -- ley, sage, rose -- ma -- ry and thyme. __
  Be -- tween the salt wa -- ter and the sea strands
  then she'll be a true love of mine.

rythm = {
  c4\downbow 8\downbow 8\upbow 8[\downbow 8]\upbow |
  4\downbow 8\downbow 8\upbow 4\downbow |
  4 8 8 4 |
  4 8 8 8[ 8] |
  4 8 8 8[ 8] |

  4 8 8 8[ 8] |
  4 8 8 4 |
  4 4 4 |
  4 8 8 8[ 8] |
  4 8 8 4 |

  4 8 8 8[ 8] |
  4 8 8 8[ 8] |
  4 4 4
  4 8 8 8[ 8] |
  4 4 4 |

  4 8 8 8[ 8] |
  4 8 8 8[ 8] |
  4 4 4 |
  4 8 8 8[ 8] |

leadSheetPart = <<
  \new ChordNames \chordNames
  \new FretBoards {
    \set Staff.stringTunings = #ukulele-tuning    \chordNames  }
  \new Staff \new Voice="music" { \melody }
  \addlyrics { \verse }
  \addlyrics { \verseII }
  \new Lyrics \with {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing.padding = #4
  } \lyricsto "music" { \verseIII }
  \new RhythmicStaff { \rythm }

\score {
  \layout { }

\score {
    \transpose d a, \leadSheetPart
  \layout { }

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