On 2021-04-30 3:39 am, David Sumbler wrote:
I want to be able to insert a note of the same pitch as the preceding
one.  I don't mind what form the pitch information is in, so long as I
can use it to create a new note.  It could, for example, be in the form
"b,,", or something similar to "(-2, 6)" as used by ly:make-pitch.
 There may be other possibilities.

What about the existing pitch-repeating functionality in LilyPond?

\version "2.22.0"

foo = { 4 4 }
{ b'2 \foo g' \foo }

A duration without pitch is encoded as a NoteEvent with the pitch property. expand-repeat-notes! is the internal procedure that carries over the most recent pitch. So long as you insert these events early enough, LilyPond should do the heavy lifting for you.

-- Aaron Hill

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