> It's ironic that \laissezVibrer follows on directly from \repeatTie
> on page 57, but you might miss it if the name means nothing to you,
> and the next illustration doesn't catch your eye.



I've added a paragraph at the beginning of the 'Ties' section that
explains ties to and from nothing.

> But I couldn't help noticing that, if you use the Contents rather than
> the Index, the lengthy section   § 1.4 Repeats   now doesn't cover
> ties at all, nor does it point back to  Ties  (which falls under
> § 1.2 Rhythms   unconnected with repeats).

Well, it gets mentioned as...

> There's an oblique reference to \repeatTie on page 161 under
> Known issues and warnings.

... this.

> Might this be preceded by a paragraph on the use of \laissezVibrer
> and \repeatTie, with a pointer back to pp56–7?

I don't think this is the right place – \laissezVibrer is not related
to repeats at all.


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