On Fri 07 May 2021 at 01:30:20 (+0200), Jogchum Reitsma wrote:
> I want to set a piece which ends with a repeat, with two alternative
> endings.
> Should be simple, I´ve done it a number of times before.

… either because there were no lyrics, or the lyrics were all aligned
with the starts of measures, probably. Otherwise the repeat barlines
"slide" along to where the next lyric starts.

> But now:
> - when I set only the music, everything is ok,
> - the moment I place the lyrics underneath, with the repeated section,
> I get a double opening repeat bar, of which the first one is correct,
> the second is not.
> - the ending, with the two alternatives, renders fine.

The choice is to:

. set the lyric syllables just as they should lie under the part,
  ignoring the repeats in the music. You can then use \addlyrics,
  or any of the other lyrics commands, to add them into the
  score's structure.

. write the lyrics with their durations, like4 the notes,2
  and the rests, too, with \skip2. \skip4 and so on. Now you can
  include your repeat commands in the lyrics, but you should
  then use \new Lyrics { } to add them. \addlyrics won't work.
  Start the lyrics with   \set associatedVoice = vfoo
  where vfoo is the name of the part that is being underlain.

The second method is tedious, but by using it you can set the score
with and without \unfoldRepeats, and it will all Just Work™.

Of course, you can always unfold with the first method in order to get
midi that sounds correct, and just throw away its PDF (or not generate
it) because the lyrics will be completely adrift.


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