Le 09/05/2021 à 19:31, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit :
Hi Jean,

It is a well-known trick… See
Ah yes, thank you, I didn't know that. But I'm also relieved that DK seems to share my misgivings about the conceptual jumble involved... :-)

Well yes. I'm not particularly happy about
it, just that I couldn't find anything simpler,
and the function would have been somewhat unuseful
without support for non-integers ;-)

As Graham pointed out, LilyPond's habit of setting pitch bends before a note and re-setting it immediately after a note whose alteration is not in 1/2 * Z leads to strange effects with the release (or reverb) of a note. This can be observed in examples involving rests between re-tuned notes. I patched my LilyPond for this: Now it never explicitly resets MIDI pitch bends, instead each and every note gets a pitch-bend command. (Which would be crazy for most applications, but is fine for my special needs involving lots of re-tuned notes.) I didn't have time to find out how to make this user-configurable.

An option would be to go create an issue at
and attach your patch there, noting that it
is a work-in-progress and configurability should
be added. That way, someone might pick it up.
- I'm already looking forward to Graham's solution to this problem (post-processing the MIDI files using MTS messages.
I haven't tried it (understanding of MIDI is above
my pay grade), but it shoud certainly yield better

I looked into it a bit today, and I can gladly report that (while the code still needs some cleaning up), I managed to patch my LilyPond to automatically generate the MTS messages that Graham's Python script adds in post-processing. (Of course, that wouldn't have been possible without being able to use Graham's code as a cheat sheet!)

As an example I attach the midi files generated by

\score {
    <c' e'>4 r
    <$(ly:make-pitch 0 0 -1/4) e'> r
    <c' e'> r
    <$(ly:make-pitch 0 0 1/4) e'> r
    <$(ly:make-pitch 0 0 1/8) e'> r
    <c' e'> r
  \layout {}
  \midi {}

with official 2.22.0 and with my patched master. Compare with special focus on the pitch of the e (which should be the same for all three chords), and on what happens during release.

I'm a bit nervous about my lack of insight in possible side-effects of my tempering with the C++ code, but I'll try to make available a patch that more knowledgeable people can at least take as a starting point.

This looks very nice! I look forward to
seeing the patch.


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