On 2021-05-13 10:14, Jacques Menu wrote:
Hello Darkijah,

Did you find bugs in Frescobaldi?


Yes - although I can find my written notes on it. Just looked into one of the things, and now it apparently works, like typically... But Now I have the access to write directly to you guys when I hit into something. I also have to take to mind that I am new and might just have done something wrong, although... Kinda weird things happening.

One issue that seems to work now is that I could not make it scroll from the right to the left when marking the text i the text area - yet it seems to work now. It would only work fra left to right. Another is that it would jump to another tab while sitting and working - might be a wrong keystroke but it happened a couple of times for me.

This was my first tryout with your program made mostly yesterday to test and get my hands into it:

\version "2.22.1"
  dedication = "Reformation"
  title = "Behold os Herre ved dit Ord"
subtitle = "Subtitle More information: https://lilypond.org/introduction.html";
  subsubtitle = "(ucensureret text med opdateringer)"
  instrument = "Penny/Tin Flute"
  composer = "Darkijah"
  arranger = "https://JesusGod-Pope666.Info";
copyright = "Truth like Salvation is not sold for greedy mammon but giving freely through Christ blood!" tagline = "Copyright is of the Devil - Sharing is Caring." %Music engraving by LilyPond 2.22.1--www.lilypond.org - - for clean: ##f

  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists "Custos_engraver"
      \override Custos.style = #'mensural
      \override Custos.color = #(x11-color 'black)
\include "color.ly"

\relative d' {
  \time 10/4
% \override Beam.color = #(x11-color "medium turquoise")
% \override Accidental.color = #(rgb-color 1 0.3 0.3)
% \override NoteHead.color = #(rgb-color 0.5 0.5 0.5)
% \override Stem.color = #(rgb-color 0.8 0.8 0)
% \override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead
e2 g4 e d e g f e2 | \break      %Line1 m1
g2 a4 a b g a a b2 | \break      %Line2 m2
b2 c4 b d b a a g2 | \break      %Line3 m3
b2 g4 a g f e dis e2 \bar ":|."        %Line4 m4
\addlyrics {\set stanza = "1." Be -- hold os, Fa -- der, ved dit Ord, trods Pa- vens Løgn og Tyr -- kens Mord, der styr -- te vil fra tro -- nen ned, din Søn, vor Gud til E -- vigt Liv!} \addlyrics {\set stanza = "2." Be -- vis din magt, åh Je -- su Krist, som al -- le Her- rers Her -- re er, be -- var din Bør -- ne -- fød -- te flok, så de dig pri -- se må i fred! } \addlyrics {\set stanza = "3." Vor trøster -- ter -- mand, Gud Hel -- lig -- ånd, for -- en Guds Folk i skrif -- tens bånd, vær med os i vor sid -- ste nød, lad ord -- et vidn -- ne til vor død!} \addlyrics {\set stanza = "4." Så lad din sand -- hed og dit Lys, gå ud til al -- le mand på jord, lad Djæv -- len tu- de tør af kiks, han mi -- ste alt til Li -- vets mand!}

My second tryout yesterday, which had a double lyrics thing and test the lyrics text thing underneath, usually the program I use on my mobile does not have the feature of fixing the lyrics like that, I use it underneath the notes, all stanzes. Lilypod can do both as far as I can see. This second piece was harder to get to work though, but I finally got it.

\version "2.22.1" \include "gregorian.ly" \include "color.ly" %\language "english"

title = "Vor Gud han er så fast en borg"
subtitle = "Reformations explosion sang"
arranger = "Darkijah - https://JesusGod-Pope666.Info";
meter = "Tempo 120"
copyright = "Truth like Salvation is not sold for greedy mammon but giving freely through Christ blood!" tagline = "Copyright is of the Devil - Sharing is Caring." %Music engraving by LilyPond 2.22.1--www.lilypond.org - - for clean: ##f
\paper {#(set-paper-size "a4")}

\layout {
\context {
\consists "Custos_engraver"
\override Custos.style = #'mensural
\override Custos.color = #(x11-color 'black)
\remove "Time_signature_engraver" % \override TimeSignature #'stencil = #point-stencil
\override BarLine.X-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
\hide BarLine
\override TimeSignature #'stencil = #point-stencil

\score {
    \new Staff {
      \new Voice = "sang" {
        \relative d' {
  \time 1/4 \key d \major
%\override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead
\repeat volta 2 { d' d d a8 (b) cis4 d8 (cis) b4 a r16 \bar "" \break
 d4 cis b a b g fis e d r2 \bar ":|." } \break
 d4 fis b a gis a r2 d,4 a' a b cis d r2  \bar "" \break
 cis4 d cis b b a r2 b4 b a b a8 (g) fis4 r  \bar "" \break
d' cis b a b g8 (fis) e4 d r2 \bar ":|."
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sang" {
{\set stanza = "1.1" Vor Gud han er __ så fast __ en borg, han kan os vel be va - - re, }
\new Lyrics {
\set associatedVoice = "sang"
\set stanza = "1.2" han var vor hjælp i al vor sorg, vort værn i al vor fa - - re;
den gam -- le fjen -- de led er nu for al -- vor vred,
stor magt og ar -- ge -- list
han sam -- ler mod os vist,
ej jord -- en har hans li - ge.

\markup {
  \fill-line {
    \hspace #0.1  % moves the column off the left margin;
     % can be removed if space on the page is tight
     \column {
      \line { \bold "2."
        \column {
          "Vor egen magt ej hjælpe kan,"
          "let kan os fjenden fælde;"
          "men med os står den rette mand,"
          "omgordet med Guds vælde."
          "Det er den Herre Krist,"
          "og sejer får han vist,"
          "hærskarers Herre prud"
          "der er ej anden Gud,"
          "han marken skal beholde."
      \combine \null \vspace #0.1 % adds vertical spacing between verses
      \line { \bold "3."
        \column {
          "og myldred djævle frem på jord"
          "og os opsluge ville,"
          "vi frygter dog ej fare stor,"
          "de deres trusler spilde;"
          "lad rase mørkets drot"
          "med løgn og mord og spot,"
          "han har dog få't sin dom,"
          "da Krist til jorden kom,"
          "et ord ham nu kan fælde."
    \hspace #0.1 % adds horizontal spacing between columns;
    \column {
      \line { \bold "4."
        \column {
          "Guds Ord de nok skal lade stå"
          "og dertil utak have,"
          "thi Herren selv vil med os gå"
          "alt med sin Ånd og gave;"
          "og tage de vort liv,"
          "gods, ære, barn og viv,"
          "lad fare i Guds navn!"
          "Dem bringer det ej gavn,"
          "Guds rige vi beholder."
      \combine \null \vspace #0.1 % adds vertical spacing between verses
      \line { \bold "5."
        \column {
          "og myldred djævle frem på jord"
          "og os opsluge ville,"
          "vi frygter dog ej fare stor,"
          "de deres trusler spilde;"
          "lad rase mørkets drot"
          "med løgn og mord og spot,"
          "han har dog få't sin dom,"
          "da Krist til jorden kom,"
          "et ord ham nu kan fælde."
  \hspace #0.1 % gives some extra space on the right margin;
  % can be removed if page space is tight

%{\layout {
    raggedright = ##t
    \context {
      whichBar = #""

I have never used this way of contact before... I finally got a login for the website on http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/ - I think it might be the most easy way to do things, not sure. The 5 stanze is by the way the same as one former, I just had to test how it looked :)

- Dearly regards Darkijah

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