Le 18/05/2021 à 23:08, darki...@jesusgod-pope666.info a écrit :
I guess I did not really do much today, although did a lot of toying around - but it is not going to quick with the changes now.
Here it is in png if anyone wanna have a look. Still much to do.

My lyrics I think need to be somewhat smaller, my Custos need to be pushed to the left like the 16 century music sheets, and added custos lyrics added underneath all of them, which I need to figure out. Lyrics 1 2 3 4 on all 4 levels need to be added, also something I need to figure out how to do. The hack with getting the nodes nicely spaced, is kinda not the right way to do things, and need to figure out another solution that fits the bill correctly, although it works for now. But I am afraid that if one plays it at midi sound some nodes would not be the correct duration because of this hack. But I have not figure midi out yet, so no worries on that for now.

I was thinking more rainbow colors, but I am not sure... I think it might be to much, but anyone willing to make a script that can do 7 colors for text letters over and over again? :D Just for the Header or something... Might be to much overall, but I thought it might be a cool script to have at hand. I could do something manual I guess and have a see how it looks, but it would be nice to have something you can just turn on and off.

You mean something like this?

\version "2.23.3"

#(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))

#(define (color-list? x)
   (and (list? x)
        (every color? x)))

#(define-markup-command (alternate-colors layout props colors text)
                        (color-list? string?)
   (let* ((chars (string->list text))
          (atomic-strings (map string chars)))
     (interpret-markup layout props
         (map make-with-color-markup
              (apply circular-list colors)

\markup \alternate-colors #'("red" "blue" "green") "abcdefg"

I guess I have to be care full overall with my ideas, can't just put all of them into it - well maybe I can :P This app is amazing, and it is fun at the same time.

Glad to hear it.

I'll try to answer the other questions when I have more time -- unless someone beats me to it.


Oh yea, I don't think there is an option for having a black line around the notes, around the coloring, but that would be nice as well to help on the eyes to see them. Not sure why the Notes also looks round and does not keep there normal form, should be possible to still have the letters inside of them. Anyway... Not complaining, just thoughts and ideas...

Worked a little on that automation of the Whistle Script, would be nice with full automation of the note diagrams. I do wonder if I should make the stem the same color as well as the note head - anyway... the colors got somewhat adjusted, I will do some more tomorrow when I am fresh.

I do have another idea for help finding the specific lyrics using colors some colors, but I should be careful with all those colors as they are not there to confuse but should be helpful.

I have to figure out a way to show if it is octave 1 2 or 3 - I've tried something but not sure it looks so good. I'll have to think about that.

You know... I just got another idea.... Argh... It's bed time... get a grip on yourself! Background, oh yea you can do a background in that sweet color, although not for printing but overall for show on the web it should be very nice.

Enjoy the png :) And Goodnight, for me anyway.

Dearly regards
- Darkijah

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