Hi all,

I'm trying to create a markup indication that includes two beamed
eighth-notes, but I can't seem to figure out how using \note or
\note-by-number. Can anyone help? My efforts are attached.

\version 2.19.65
\relative c' { c4
 f^\markup {\center-align \italic \small { "(v. 6" }
             \teeny { \note-by-number #3 #0 #1 }
             \teeny { \note-by-number #3 #0 #1 \italic \small ")" }
  f a }

Many thanks,

\version 2.19.65

\relative c' { c4 
 f^\markup {\center-align \italic \small { "(v. 6" } 
             \teeny { \note-by-number #3 #0 #1 } 
             \teeny { \note-by-number #3 #0 #1 \italic \small ")" }
  f a } 

Attachment: beamed-eighths-in-markup.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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