Hi Brent,

Am 15.06.21 um 08:43 schrieb Brent Annable:
Here are my efforts so far. I don't think this solution is very elegant, but if I could find a way to extend the measure length to accommodate the text, this might work. But I'm sure there must be an easier way.

I'm very sorry - I didn't look at your example file (that unfortunately does not compile without your include files) and hence did not understand that you already got the volta bracket to appear (thanks for letting me learn about \allowVoltaHook).

If the problem is just letting the bar become wide enough to accomodate the "last time only" text: Maybe there's an automatic way, but a simple

\once \override Score.BarLine.extra-spacing-width = #'(-10 . 0) % or whatever value instead of -10 seems appropriate

just before the barline should to the trick.

This also works with the Measure_spanner_engraver that Jean mentioned; of course, that solution is much simpler, but I think I would prefer the text positioning the volta mechanism provides.


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