Brett Duncan wrote:
You can overrider Lilypond's chord naming mechanism by adding the
Thanks for your help Brett, much appreciated. I've tried the example you gave, but am getting the following error:-
/home/jen/scores/RockFord/ error: syntax error, unexpected STRING,
expecting NOTENAME_PITCH or DRUM_PITCH or '>':
c g>1-\markup { \super "5" }
Is there somewhere in particular the statements you gave must go? I have them alongside all the \notes definitions. I am using lilypond 2.2.5.
Ah, in your earlier post you put that you were using version 2.5.2.
This should work:
/----------------------------------------------- chExceptionMusic = \notes { <c g>1-\markup { \super "5" }}
% add to existing exceptions. chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions)
someMusic = \chords { \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions f^3 g^3 % -- that's f ^ 3 and g ^ 3; alt: f:sus g:sus }
\score { << \context ChordNames \someMusic \context Voice \someMusic >> } -----------------------------------------------/
The only difference is that version 2.2.x requires "\notes" in that first line.
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