From: lilypond-user <> 
on behalf of Owen Le Blanc <>
Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 8:34 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Ties between distant notes

I'm working on setting some music which, in the original, contains many notes 
which are tied even though they are not "contingent".  So, for example, here is 
an image of a bar from the original (note the bass cleff is printed in the 
wrong position).  There is in this passage an arpeggio tied note by note to the 
following chord.
I can of course expand all the ties explicitly, which at least produces the 
correct midi file, but I find this less clear to read than the original was:
  \new Voice { \voiceOne \relative c''' { \stemUp
    a4 g2 ~ g4 | }}
  \new Voice { \voiceTwo \relative c'' { \stemDown
    < f d b >4 r16 e ~ < e c > ~ < e c g > ~ < e c g >4
    ~ < e c g >4 | }}
< a f d b >4 r \clef bass e16 ~ < e c > ~ < e c a > ~
< e c a g > ~ < e c a g >4 |
In an effort to come closer to the original, I have tried using overlapping 
  \new Voice { \voiceOne \relative c''' { \stemUp
    a4 g2 ~ g4 | }}
 \new Voice { \voiceTwo \relative c'' { \stemDown \slurUp
    < f d b >4 r16 e\=2( c\=1( g( s4 < e' c g >4)\=1)\=2) | }}
This is clearer, but the slurs are all at different angles, whereas the ties 
should be horizontal, parallel to each other.  So, I would like to ask
(1)  How can the slurs be adjusted to be horizontal, as ties would be? and
(2)  Is there another way of doing this?  I wondered about laissez vibrer, but 
it doesn't seem easily to allow adjusting the curves to be the right length.
I'd be grateful for any help.

Use tieWaitForNote = ##t

See the snippet “Using ties with arpeggios”.



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