Hello Hans, LilyPonders,

Thank you! I added the line to my Staff context, and everything worked as
\override BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space . 1.2)

I wanted to refine the solution and add space only *after* double-bar
lines, but adding the following to my bars doesn't seem to have any effect
\once \override BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space . 1.2)

My bars section (separate from note input)
\skip 1*16/4 \once \override BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space
. 1.2) \bar "||"
\skip 1*16/4 \once \override BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space
. 1.2) \bar "||"
\skip 1*16/4 \once \override BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space
. 1.2) \bar "||"
\skip 1*8/4 \once \override BarLine.space-alist.next-note = #'(fixed-space
. 1.2) \bar "||"

Many thanks,

On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 11:52 AM Hans Aikema <hans.aik...@aikebah.net>

> On 23 Aug 2021, at 17:42, Matthew Fong <oxen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello fellow Lilyponders,
> I'm looking around the documentation on NoteHead to Barline spacing, and
> I'm not finding much? Any pointers will be helpful.
> My goal is to add a bit more space from the first note to the last
> Barline, for every measure. It seems a bit too close even with the staff
> size and LyricText size I am using. For example, the F for 'splen' in third
> measure, or the A for 'Life' after the double bar.
> Many thanks,
> mattfong
> <NoteheadSpacingToBarline.png>
> Matthew,
> Never played with layout tweaking myself, but gut feel is you should be
> able to achieve extra spacing with modification of the space-alist of the
> barline (spacing for 'first-note' and/or 'next-note')
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/internals/barline
> kind regards,
> Hans

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