In a nutshell, I would like to write a function that would let me replace a
given note or chord with a different chord -- I might have a table of what
gets replaced with what -- but leave all the articulations the same.

Am I missing something obvious?

The \addNote snippet does something similar - except that there isn't a
convenient way to delete the original note after the replacements are added.

The \changePitch snippet also does something similar. (But I am envision a
chord-by-chord replacement of a whole line.)

My own efforts at trying to make sense of how music-map or map-some-music
work have *cough* not been going well. Would be nice not to completely
reinvent a wheel here.

If I do have to write it myself: I think I could figure out how to extract
a list of pitches in all the NoteEvents in a chord, and push new NoteEvents
to the chord - but I don't have much grasp as to how I replace a single
note by a chord.

(Why would I want to do this? I am trying to write a function that turns
the written notes of the accordion's left hand into the sounding notes.
Written notes between c, and b, get turned into parallel octaves depending
which reed banks are sounding; written notes between d and c' get turned
into 3- 6- or 9-note chords, depending which reed banks are sounding.)


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