Hello Kira,

The problem with this is that how well it works depends on the horizontal 
spacing of the system. I’ve attached a short example of how you can tell 
Lilypond to actually align the dash under the note. It involves setting 
melismaBusyProperties to make Ties not be handles as melisma in the one case, 
and manually skipping the tied note in the other stanzas using _

\new Staff {
  \key bes\major 
  \partial 16
  f'16 |
  bes'4 bes'
  bes'~ \once\set melismaBusyProperties = #'() bes'8. f'16 |
\addlyrics {
  \set stanza = "1."
  The fight is on –
  the trum
\addlyrics {
  \set stanza = "2."
  The fight is on __ _
  a -- rous,
\addlyrics {
  \set stanza = "2."
  The fight is 
  lea -- _ ding on

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