Jean and others on this list, thank you so much for your help. It was so 
supportive! I was really surprised and pleased with how supportive this 
community was.

It was certainly challenging to learn so much so quickly but I have 
accomplished a score for general use, and also a specific viola part using the 
transformPitches Jean provided.

Performance tonight in Kansas City, MO, USA :)

Source files, pdfs and a few rehearsal snippets are here: <>

I didn’t quite achieve ultimate re-use of materials between the standard score 
and the viola score but it’s close. One more little refactor would get me there 
but I didn’t have time just yet.


> On Aug 2, 2021, at 6:51 AM, Craig Comstock <> wrote:
>> mappingOne = { <c' e'> <d' g''> }
>> mappingTwo = { <c' g''> <d' a''> }
>> music = { c' d' e' }
>> \transformPitches \mappingOne \music
>> \transformPitches \mappingTwo \music
> This is exactly what I needed.
> Once again I am impressed by the generosity of your time.
>> Since you seem interested by the Scheme level,
> Yes, and your seeming ease of generating the right code is making me doubt my 
> not learning lisp/scheme more deeply. Will have to consider that for another 
> time as I must write this music immediately. ;) (performance October 2nd, 
> rehearsals start August 17th.)
> Much thanks,
> Craig

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