I have a problem with an \include code. The DC al fine is aligned to the bar 
but the fine is not. At the same time I get this error:
programming error: file name not normalized: 
Can someone help me? Thank you.

minimal code:
\version "2.22.1"
\language "english"

\include "\users\mahan\chinmoy-sangit\include\include-all.ly"

global = {
\key gf \major
\hide Staff.BarLine

\layout {% to align
ragged-last = ##f
line-width = 185 % or some other number
indent = #0

melody = \relative c'

ef8 ef4 f8 f4 \melisma ef8\melismaEnd f8 gf2 \glissando \melisma af2. 
\glissando gf4.. \melismaEnd gf16 gf2.\fine \show-barline \bar "||"\break
ef8 [ef] f af4. bf8 cf4.\melisma bf16 af gf4. f16 ef f4 \glissando af2 
\glissando \melismaEnd gf4 gf1\dcfine \show-barline \bar "|."}

\score {
\layout { }
\midi { }
}% midi

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