Le 03/11/2021 à 04:26, Aaron Hill a écrit :
Okay, would text replacement be viable as opposed to writing a bunch of individual functions?

feminine =
#'(("man/woman" . "woman")
   ("his/her" . "her")
   ("he/she" . "she"))

\markup \replace \feminine {
  The man/woman, tightly clutching his/her jacket, braved the
  bitter cold as he/she searched for his/her missing dog.

Note that you can install such text replacements at the global level to affect all markup without needing the explicit call to \replace:

neutral =
#'(("man/woman" . "person")
   ("his/her" . "their")
   ("he/she" . "they"))

\paper { #(add-text-replacements! neutral) }

\markup {
  The man/woman, tightly clutching his/her jacket, braved the
  bitter cold as he/she searched for his/her missing dog.

The original spec was putting "man/men" in italic — but typographically, the comma should stay upright. If one can give up on that, text replacements are certainly the simplest solution. (I guess you could also write a function to do the replacements yourself.)

Perhaps we should take this thread as a feature request for replacing strings with arbitrary markups rather than just strings?


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