
I'm a software engineer and I am working on my personal side project
related to rendering sheet music. I didn't want to reinvent the wheel so I
decided to check Lilypond source code (I find Lilypond the best music
typesetter software I know) to understand basic concepts which could help
me with my project. However, I have to say I'm struggling to understand how
Lilypond works internally. Therefore I'm asking for help.

I browsed through the source code on Github, yet I'm unable to find out
how, i.e. slur keypoints are calculated. The Essay on automated music
explains that actually three slurs are "generated" and one with the highest
point rating is selected. I can't find either three-fold slur generation
nor the rating algorithm.

Is there any valuable documentation for beginners? I am aware of the
Guide <https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.21/Documentation/contributor.pdf>, yet
it gives little to none introduction to code itself.
Is there anyone who knows the Lilypond internals and would agree to have a
call (Skype/Teams/Discord) to introduce me to the code? I think explaining
how the slur is generated (from parsing the code until final control points
are calculated) would be a great kickoff and would allow me to continue
deep-diving in the Lilypond internals on my own.


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