Hello Paolo,

You could try to override the actual X-extent of the TimeSig, like
\override Staff.TimeSignature.X-extent = #'(0 . 1.1)


Am Sonntag, 7. November 2021, 18:49:20 CET schrieb Paolo Prete:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to have a minimum space between a TimeSignature and the first
> note after it (and, consequently, all the following notes). I tried:
>     \once\override Score.TimeSignature.space-alist =
>     #'((first-note fixed-space . 0))
> ...but there's still a gap which I can't eliminate. How can I fix it?
> Thanks
> P
> %%%%%
> <<
> {
> c'1
> \time 3/4
> \once\override Score.TimeSignature.space-alist =
> #'((first-note fixed-space . 0))
> cis'2.\break
> s
> }
> %%%%%

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