Le 10/11/2021 à 22:49, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
The code looks way cool.  Unfortunately, I couldn't test it because I only have 
2.22 installed, and it doesn't work with 2.22 (perhaps because of guile 1.8)

I tested it with the official 2.23.4 binaries,
which still use Guile 1.8. The failure is due
to a change (by me) that allowed the same grob
definition to be used to make both items and
spanners, mostly to support all kinds of annotations
better, unifying FootnoteItem and FootnoteSpanner
for example.

A new version with fixes is attached. To give you
an idea, here's an excerpt from its output:



Interfaces supported: balloon-interface, font-interface, footnote-interface,

grob-interface, item-interface [when created with class Item],

spanner-interface [when created with class Spanner], sticky-grob-interface,


Classes: Item, Spanner

Properties with default value:


* annotation-balloon (from balloon-interface)



Print the balloon around an annotation.


* stencil (from grob-interface)



The symbol to print.

* text (from balloon-interface, text-interface)



Text markup. See @ruser{Formatting text}.


Other properties supported:


* after-line-breaking (from grob-interface)


Dummy property, used to trigger callback for @code{after-line-breaking}.


* extra-spacing-height (from item-interface [when created with class Item])


In the horizontal spacing problem, we increase the height of each item

by this amount (by adding the @q{car} to the bottom of the item and

adding the @q{cdr} to the top of the item). In order to make a grob

infinitely high (to prevent the horizontal spacing problem from placing

any other grobs above or below this grob), set this to @code{(-inf.0 .


(En passant: I tried \info BarLine but could not see "extra-spacing-width". See the attached debug)

Correct, this is fixed in the file attached.

But in general, I think it's not a good idea to dump these kind of doc infos as the output of a library, for several reasons. First of all because it has limitations in formatting and in linking between different pages. The resulting output is therefore too long to read. I think it's enough to make some adjustments to the current output of the autodoc tool.

Sure, hence "mock": it wasn't meant to become an official

solution, just to address Kieren's request and at the same

time provide some food for thought and experimentation.

Once the code to organize the information is in place, it's

easy to make it produce Texinfo input and integrate it to

the main autogeneration infrastructure.

First one would be to add, with small fonts, at the bottom of the page, a list of the pairs (as links): class/interface - overriden/implemented property, inside an expandible panel (hidden by default). In this way, IF I can't find an useful property in the main panel, THEN I can look at the implemented interfaces list at the bottom. At this point, if in this (short) list there's a name that looks interesting, I click on it without expanding the below panel, and I jump to the linked page. If I can't guess the right interface, I would expand the below panel and I would look more accurately in the contained (long) list. This avoids to jump forth and back from page to page. In general, I see this as a good default choice for the autodoc of libraries, but even if it's not set as default, the command to produce a complete autodoc should be documented as well. In this library (which I made some years  ago and could not update, in the last years)
you can find a directory for the autodoc (Doxygen) and the instructions to build it. Then, it is left to the user how much complete or minimal the autodoc has to be.

Why not, but I'm not 100% conviced by the the principle of

a collapsible section, partly because this still requires

a number of clicks, and and partly because we have to

do with the tool we have (Texinfo) and the formats we

generate (not only HTML but also PDF and Info). However,

I admit that the page was overwhelming in the first version.

In the second one attached, I'm grouping the properties with

defaults in a first section so one does not have to scroll

to see the main definition. The others are separated

in a second section.

At any rate, this is getting specific enough that we would

better move the discussion to a channel dedicated to

development. I've just opened a tracker issue for this:




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